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词汇 曼德拉
例句 He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions.他称曼德拉先生为鼓舞了数百万人的英雄。Mandela helped lay the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.曼德拉为建立新的民主南非打下了基础。Mandela became, as it were, the father of the nation.曼德拉可以说变成了国父。In Nelson Mandela the people had a leader that they could respect and admire.纳尔逊·曼德拉具备民众所尊敬和爱戴的领导人的品质。Years in prison did not break Mr Mandela's spirit.多年的牢狱生涯并未挫伤曼德拉先生的锐气。My claim to fame is that I once shook hands with Nelson Mandela.最让我出风头的事是我曾经和纳尔逊·曼德拉握过手。Nelson Mandela will be remembered for his courage and integrity in the struggle against apartheid.人们将会记住纳尔逊·曼德拉在反对种族隔离的斗争中所表现出来的勇气和正直。TV crews from around the world filmed President Mandela's arrival at the airport.来自世界各地的电视摄制人员拍摄了曼德拉总统抵达机场的情形。Mandela played a prominent role in the early years of the ANC.曼德拉在非洲人国民大会的早期起了重要的作用。Nelson Mandela was a truly remarkable man.纳尔逊.曼德拉确实是个了不起的人。In his autobiography, Mandela describes his life during captivity.曼德拉在自传中描述了自己被囚禁期间的生活。I was staying in the same hotel as Nelson Mandela. Can you believe it!我和纳尔逊·曼德拉住在同一家酒店里,你相信吗!The street is named after the famous South African leader, Nelson Mandela.这条街是以南非著名领袖纳尔逊·曼德拉的名字命名的。Thousands of people worldwide campaigned for the release of Nelson Mandela.世界各地数以万计的人为要求纳尔逊·曼德拉获释而发起运动。Mandela was eager to establish good relations with the business community.曼德拉急于与商界建立良好关系。Mrs Mandela's personal life has come under scrutiny.曼德拉夫人的个人生活受到了彻查。The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela's memoirs.该报登出了曼德拉回忆录的一些片段。Mr Mandela was given a tumultuous reception in Washington.曼德拉先生在华盛顿受到热情的款待。Mr Mandela was the most popular public figure in South Africa.曼德拉先生是南非最受欢迎的公众人物。Mandela fought to abolish white-only rule in South Africa.曼德拉为废除南非的白人专政而斗争。Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Dr Nelson Mandela.女士们先生们,我们恭请纳尔逊·曼德拉博士。The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.纳尔逊·曼德拉先生的释放标志着南非种族隔离政策一去不复返。When he was released from prison, Mandela was interviewed in Zambia.曼德拉从狱中获释,在赞比亚接受了采访。A huge crowd gathered to hear Mandela speak.一大群人聚集起来听曼德拉发表演说。




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