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例句 Adding fertilizer to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly.土壤中添加肥料可使植物生长得更快The new network will enable data to be processed more speedily.新网络将使数据得以更快处理。The company must give a faster response to clients' requests.公司必须对客户的要求作出更快的回应。The trade in data processing between countries is likely to grow faster than the trade in goods.各国间的数据处理贸易很可能比商品贸易增长得更快The sports and leisure market is expanding more quickly than ever before.体育与休闲市场比以往任何时候都发展得更快You'll get it done faster if you two team up.如果你们俩合作的话会完成得更快I need a sharper knife, so I'll change with you.我需要一把更快的小刀,所以我要和你调换一下。The debt market was more liquid than the equity market.债务市场比投资股本市场流通更快The cost of health care is rising faster than ever.医疗保健费比以往增长更快了。The runner went faster on the middle segment of the course.那赛跑运动员跑到中途时速度更快了。In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.在其他具有可比性的国家,实际工资上涨更快New telephone lines allow faster data transmission by fax or modem.新的电话线路使通过传真或调制解调器传输数据的速度更快Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility.通过陆路运送货物更快、更灵活。I will be ready in a couple of weeks, if not sooner.就算不能更快,几周以后我也会准备好。Packaging workers seem to go faster when they get their second wind after a cup of coffee.包装工人喝一杯咖啡恢复精神后似乎会干得更快一些。As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.走快时,你会发现手臂会自然弯曲,而且频率会更快You need to kick your legs harder if you want to swim faster.要想游得更快,蹬腿就得更用力。He took her on tour of Europe, but the travel only hastened her consumptive decline and death.他带她周游欧洲,但这趟旅行只是使她的结核病恶化更快,加速了她的死亡。The new program makes downloading faster.新程序使下载速度变得更快This reduces the burden of memorization and helps you learn faster.这样可以减少你的记忆量,帮助你更快的学习。Its improved aerodynamics give the car more speed and better gas mileage.改进后的空气动力特性使这款车速度更快,油耗更低。Time seems to go faster as you get older.随着年龄变大,时间也好像过得更快了。The new ships are faster and more maneuverable.这些新船速度更快、更灵活。It's quicker to go by the country route.走乡村小路更快It is arguable which way is quicker.走哪条路更快,还没有定论。They streamlined the racing car so that it moved even faster.他们把赛车改为流线型,以使它行驶得更快The new missile is faster and more manoeuvrable than previous models.新型导弹比老型号速度更快,机动性更强。The paradox about time is that it seems to go faster as we become older and less active.时间的矛盾之处在于,我们年纪渐长不如以前活跃的时候,它似乎走得更快了。She began to run even faster.她开始跑得更快了。To get the job done more quickly, we split up into teams.为了更快地完成工作,我们分成了小组。Any antidepressant which offers a quicker alleviation of symptoms is an important advance.任何一种能够更快缓解症状的抗抑郁药都是一次重要的进步。The eggs will hatch sooner in warm, moist conditions.在温暖潮湿的条件下,鸡蛋会孵化得更快一些。Here in the hills, the light failed more quickly.在山区这儿,天黑得更快Selective breeding may result in a greyhound running faster and seeing better than a wolf.选择性交配繁殖有可能培育出比狼速度更快、视力更佳的灵犭是。Every mistake is one more nail in the coffin of his professional baseball career.每次失误都让他的职业棒球事业更快地走向终结。They could turn, climb and stunt quicker than any two-seater.它们在转弯、爬高和表演特技时比任何双座飞机更快The new treatment means patients can expect a shorter hospital stay and a faster return to work.这种新疗法意味着病人将缩短住院时间,更快地回到工作岗位。We are not doing enough to move students through the educational system with a faster level of skill accretion.让学生在教育系统中更快地增长技能,在这方面我们做得还不够。I swam faster at the last meet.上次运动会我游得更快The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.该药品如果直接注射进血流里,见效会更快




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