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词汇 暴饮暴食
例句 They punish themselves by overeating then hate themselves for being overweight.他们因暴饮暴食吃尽苦头,之后又嫌自己体重过高。Overeaters can't totally abstain from eating.暴饮暴食者没办法完全忍着不吃东西。In between binges, I diet.在两次暴饮暴食之间的日子里,我会节食。If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食,首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。Fewer die of hunger than of surfeit.暴饮暴食比饥饿更能要人命。When I'm tired or stressed, I tend to overeat.我疲劳或紧张时往往会暴饮暴食If you are pregnant, never drink heavily, and certainly avoid binges.如果你怀孕了,千万不要酗酒,当然也要避免暴饮暴食Gluttony is a deadly sin.暴饮暴食是七宗罪之一。If you have a serious problem with overeating you should get together with others who share this problem.如果你暴饮暴食很严重,应当同有类似问题的人一起来探讨。Even after all his health problems, he's still eating and drinking too much. Some people never learn.即使已经出现各种健康问题,他仍在暴饮暴食。有些人就是从不吸取教训。Christmas Day is that universal day of piggery when we all eat more than we ever thought possible.圣诞节是全民暴饮暴食的日子,没有人会预料到自己会吃下那么多的东西。She deprives herself of food, and then indulges in eating binges.她先是克制自己不吃东西,然后又开始暴饮暴食They treat Christmas as just another excuse for gluttony.他们只把圣诞节当作暴饮暴食的又一个借口。Some children refuse to eat at all and others overeat.有些孩子根本不吃饭,另外一些孩子则暴饮暴食




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