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例句 The debate brought out the differences between the two candidates.这场辩论暴露出两位候选人之间的分歧。This approach reveals gaps in the current body of knowledge.这种方法暴露出目前知识体系的不足。His voice betrayed his nervousness.他的声音暴露出他很紧张。A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. 危机使一些人表现出其最好的一面,而使另一些人暴露出其最坏的一面。Their methodical review of the evidence exposed some problems with the study's findings.他们对证据有条不紊的审核暴露出这项研究成果中存在的一些问题。The scheme later demonstrated a fatal flaw.这一方案不久暴露出了一个致命缺陷。Her unusual utterance revealed her emotions.她不同寻常的语调暴露出她的感情。The movie shows a laughable ignorance of history.这部电影暴露出了对历史可笑的无知。The incident exposed his weakness as a leader.这起事件暴露出他作为领袖软弱的一面。His accent gave him away as a northerner. 他的口音暴露出他是北方人。His words were calm, but his voice betrayed his very real concern and anxiety.他的言语是平静的,但是他的声音却暴露出他确实非常担心和焦虑。His comments betrayed a complete misunderstanding of the situation.他的评说暴露出他完全误解了目前的情况。Little by little he revealed his ambitions.他渐渐地暴露出他的野心。His face betrayed his anger.他的表情暴露出他的怒火。Her comments about immigrants revealed an astonishing sense of privilege and arrogance.她关于移民的谈话暴露出她惊人的优越感和傲慢无理的态度。Service conditions soon revealed the inherent weaknesses in the vehicle's design.这款车的运行状况很快暴露出了它设计上的先天不足。The organization has had time to show its true colours, to show its inefficiency and its bungling.时间一长,这个机构就暴露出了它效率低下、差错百出的真面目。The way she looked at him was a dead giveaway that they were more than just friends.她看他的神情彻底暴露出他们绝不仅仅是朋友。Pressure can bring out the worst in people.压力可以使人们暴露出最恶劣的本性。She tried hard but her efforts only served to bring more attention to her lack of experience.她十分努力,但结果却暴露出她缺乏经验。She coughed, betraying her presence behind the door.她的咳嗽声暴露出她藏在门后。She revealed her true character when anyone disagreed with her.有谁不同意她的意见她就暴露出真实面目。The report on the riot exposed a prison system that is stretched to breaking point.关于暴动的报道暴露出监狱系统已经达到了承受极限。A lot of information has been thrown up from the investigation.这次调查暴露出很多信息。A strange man flashed her on the subway.地铁上,一名陌生男子突然冲她暴露出性器官。Those fake beams are a giveaway - it isn't really an old pub.那些假的横梁暴露出这不是一家真的老酒吧。His red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks betrayed his lack of sleep.他红红的眼圈和凹陷的双颊暴露出他缺乏睡眠。The incident exposed the weakness of the government's position.该事件暴露出政府立场的软弱。His remark betrays his lack of concern.他的话暴露出他冷漠的态度。He is not immune to human frailty. 他也会暴露出人性的弱点。The markets have exposed the fatal flaw in the government's economic policy.市场已经暴露出政府经济政策中存在的致命漏洞。




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