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词汇 暗下
例句 The sky became suddenly overcast with clouds.乌云密布,天空突然暗下来。We hurried home in the gathering darkness.天色逐渐暗下来,我们急忙往家赶。The lights went down and the curtain rose on an empty stage.灯光暗下来,帷幕升起,露出一个空荡荡的舞台。It was just beginning to get dark; all was hushed.天色正开始暗下来,万籁俱寂。The skies darkened and a rain followed.天空暗下,然后下起了雨。She drew the curtains and darkened the room.她拉拢窗帘,使房间暗下来。His cigar glowed in the darkened room.他的雪茄在暗下来的房间里闪着红光。It was just growing dusky as she shut the garden gate.她关花园门的时候,天正在暗下来。Outside, the light was fading rapidly.屋外的天色很快就暗下来。The light was failing rapidly. Above the ridges fat thunderheads were piling up.天色迅速地暗下,山岭上方浓浓的大团雷雨云砧正在堆积起来。The lights in the theatre began to dim.剧院里的灯光开始暗下来。




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