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词汇 暑假
例句 I was unoccupied during the summer vacation.暑假里空闲著。The summer holidays passed quickly, as usual.和往常一样,暑假很快就过去了。I returned home for summer vacation.暑假我回家了。Your Summer vacation is only two months long, so make the most of it.你们的暑假只有两个月,请充分利用。It used to be that any teen who wanted a summer job could get one.从前,十几岁的孩子到了暑假都能找着活干。Ted had a fling during the summer vacation.泰德在暑假里纵情玩乐了一番。The summer job had given her a foretaste of office work.暑假的工作使她提前体验了办公室的工作。They lazed away the summer vacation.他们把暑假就这样懒懒散散地打发过去了。Students used to be allowed to go on the dole in the summer holidays, but the government has stopped that.学生以前可以在暑假里领取失业救济金,但现在政府已停止这样发放救济金了。We have blissful memories of a summer vacation.暑假里的快乐时光仍留在我们的记忆中。We have put some money on one side for next year's summer holiday.我们已经为明年的暑假存了一些钱。She spent most of her long vacations at her parents' house.她的暑假大多是在父母家度过的。During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany.暑假,他们乘邮轮至更远的诺曼底和布列塔尼。He put his children to work on his farm during the summer vacation.他让他的孩子在暑假里去自家的农场劳动。The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming.暑假刚开始时,开学显得那么遥远,现在却近在眼前。Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies.明年暑假劳拉将参加戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。Their summer vacation turned out to be much more expensive than they'd bargained for.暑假的花费比他们原先所想的要贵多了。I'm looking forward to a quiet, restful summer vacation.我希望过一个安静、悠闲的暑假We've finally fixed on the Lake District for our summer holiday.我们最后决定在湖区度暑假Twice before he had been in New York with Gladys on summer vacations.他之前已经和格拉迪丝两次来到纽约度暑假He spent the summer holidays in Spain.他在西班牙度过了暑假The students have gone down for the summer.大学生们已离校过暑假去了。Many students work through the summer.很多学生整个暑假都工作。Under the new plan, students will have shorter summer vacations and longer winter vacations.根据新的方案,学生的暑假短了,寒假长了。Roll on the summer holidays!暑假早点到来!I've got four heavy novels to read over the summer vacation.暑假我要读四本有深度的小说。The sisters are on summer vacation with their family.姐妹几个在与家人一起度暑假He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.那年暑假他没有休息,而是把他应有的假期都攒了起来。It can be difficult to keep children occupied during the long summer holidays.要让孩子在漫长的暑假里一直有事情做可不容易。The long summer vacation breaks the rhythm of instruction.漫长的暑假打乱了教学节奏。There are only two more weeks until summer vacation.只有两周就到暑假了。Summer vacation is around the corner.暑假就要到了。I went home for the summer holidays.我回家过的暑假The very thought of summer vacation makes her happy.一想到暑假,她就感到高兴。Summer vacation normally starts in early July.暑假一般在七月初开始。I hate summer vacation. The kids are under my feet all day long.我不喜欢暑假,孩子们整天缠着我。The smell of the sea brought back childhood memories of long summer holidays spent on the beach.大海的气息勾起了童年的回忆,让人记起了在沙滩上度过的悠长暑假The summer holiday was the high spot of Edward's year.暑假是爱德华一年中最重要的时期。For our summer vacation this year we're touring Spain in a camper.今年暑假我们打算坐野营车到西班牙游览。It's not too late to get into shape before the summer holidays.暑假之前把身体锻炼好也不太迟。




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