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词汇 晚点
例句 Yeah, we could leave later - I'm cool with that.是,我们可以晚点走——我没意见。You guys go ahead and go to bed. I think I'll stay up for a while.你们睡觉去,我想我要晚点才睡。Tell her that I'll be late.告诉她我会晚点到。The bus was late again today. Let's make a noise to the company about it.公共汽车今天又晚点了,我们向公司提意见去。I bet you the train will be late.我敢肯定火车要晚点Knowing my luck, the train will be late.我知道自己从来就是霉运,这趟火车要晚点了。The flight eventually got away six hours late.飞机在晚点六个小时后终于起飞了。The bus was delayed due to heavy snow.公共汽车因为大雪晚点Do I get to stay up late when Dad comes home from his business trip?爸爸出差回来时,我能晚点睡觉吗?It was raining, the bus was late, and, to top it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车晚点,更糟糕的是,他没有雨衣。 I'll keep my news until later. 晚点再告诉你我的消息。Rail passengers now face even longer delays.铁路旅客目前面临着更长时间的晚点We were delayed because of a problem further along the line.我们因为前方路轨故障晚点了。When the boss asked Judy to stay late, she took it in stride.当老板要求朱迪待得晚点时,她泰然处之。We had a great trip, but our flight home was badly delayed, which took the gilt off the gingerbread.我们的旅行很愉快,但返航的飞机严重晚点令人扫兴。The school bus was late for its afternoon pickup.学校班车下午接送时晚点了。If the train runs on time, we'll be there by ten.如果火车不晚点,我们十点钟之前可以到那儿。He left a note to say he would be home late.他留下字条说他会晚点回家。Your travel insurance compensates you for flight delays.如果飞机晚点,你将可以得到旅行保险的补偿。If time permits , we can go out to eat later.时间允许的话,我们可以晚点出去吃饭。I think I'll go to bed late tonight and sleep in tomorrow.我想今晚我会晚点睡,明天晚点起床。The bus was late and Sue began to get anxious.公共汽车晚点了,休开始担忧起来。The bus is always late but today when I was late it came on time - that's Murphy's law!那一路公共汽车总是晚点,可是今天我迟到了,它却准时来了——我想那一定是墨菲法则在起作用。The train was running late, as usual.火车和往常一样晚点The bus was late.公共汽车晚点了。People with rail season tickets will get refunds if trains are persistently late.如果火车一再晚点,持铁路季票的人会得到退款。More often than not the train is late.这趟火车常常晚点Our ferry was two hours late because of the strike.渡轮因罢工而晚点两个小时。Most trains are running late because of the accident.大多数火车都由于这起事故而晚点The plane took off an hour behind time.飞机晚点一个小时才起飞。Pay me now or later – it makes no odds.现在付给我或者晚点再付都没关系。The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.火车经常晚点,所以准时上班在很大程度上是件碰运气的事。I'd better ring in and tell him I'll be late.我最好打电话过去,告诉他我要晚点到。They announced that his plane was delayed.广播说他乘坐的飞机晚点了。Delayed flights have a ripple effect. Just one late flight could be carrying passengers for a dozen connecting services.航班晚点会引发连锁反应。仅仅一趟晚点的航班就可能运载着许多需要转机的乘客。If our flight is late, we will miss our connection. That's the bottom line.如果飞机晚点,我们就会错过转机。这是关键。There's a possibility of my flight being delayed. In that event I'll phone to let you know.我乘坐的班机可能会晚点,如果是那样我会打电话通知你。Dad went off to find out the reason for the delay.爸爸去打听晚点的原因。She called home to say she would be late for dinner.她给家里打电话说要晚点回家吃晚饭。We could eat later if you would rather do that.如果你想的话,我们可以晚点吃的。




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