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词汇 晒伤
例句 There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burned it.我背上有一块皮肤被太阳晒伤了,非常疼。Wear a hat so you don't burn your neck.戴上帽子,这样你才不会把脖子晒伤Sunscreen helps to protect against sunburn.防晒霜有助于防止皮肤晒伤Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.循序渐进地晒成棕褐色,不要把皮肤晒伤She had put on some cream to soothe her sunburn.她在晒伤的部位涂了药膏以减轻疼痛。I burned my shoulders over the weekend and they're starting to blister.周末时我的肩膀晒伤了,现在开始起水疱了。Fair-skinned people burn easily in the sun.白皮肤的人很容易晒伤Her sunburn was so bad that her shoulders were peeling.晒伤得很严重,肩膀都脱皮了。A good sunscreen will help prevent sunburn.好的防晒霜有助于防止皮肤晒伤I got a painful sunburn.晒伤了,感觉疼Most people know now that getting sunburnt is a high price to pay for a quick tan.大多数人现在知道,晒伤是短时间里晒黑皮肤所要付出的高昂代价。Her sunburn made intimacy too painful.她的皮肤晒伤了,使得想要亲热一下都变得很痛苦。The hot sun burned her skin.炙热的太阳晒伤了她的皮肤。People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin cancer.皮肤白皙容易晒伤的人极易患皮肤癌。He wears a hat to protect his bald dome from the summer sun.他戴着帽子防止圆溜溜的光头被夏天的阳光晒伤His face was peeling from sunburn.他的脸由于晒伤正在脱皮。She has to stay out of the sun because her skin burns easily. 她必须远离阳光,因为她的皮肤容易晒伤A badly sunburned face or back is extremely painful.严重的脸部或背部晒伤会非常疼痛。The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于人体的自然肤色。His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn.那时他的脸因为晒伤而脱皮。Fair complexions burn more easily than dark ones.浅色的皮肤比深色的皮肤更容易晒伤Summer sun can burn fair skin in minutes.夏日的阳光几分钟就能把白皙的皮肤晒伤If we are unprotected from the sun for long enough, our skin will burn.如果我们未作防护待在阳光下较长时间,皮肤就会晒伤Necks and noses are the most vulnerable areas and should be well covered with an efficient sun product.颈部和鼻子是最容易晒伤的部位,应当厚厚地抹上一层高效防晒产品。Put some sunscreen on, you'll get burned otherwise.涂些防晒霜,要不然你会晒伤的。I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn't have got burned.我本应该像其他旅游者一样呆在阴凉处的,那么我就不会晒伤了。You can let your kids play here, safe in the knowledge that they won't get sunburn.你可以放心让你的孩子在这里玩,确信他们不会晒伤Sunburn is painful and potentially dangerous.晒伤不仅疼,还有潜在危险。Use sunscreen to prevent sunburn.使用防晒霜避免晒伤Her skin is badly sunburned.她的皮肤被严重晒伤The cream protects your skin from sunburn.这种乳霜保护你的皮肤不致被太阳晒伤He has a bad sunburn.他的皮肤被严重晒伤She got sunburned and her back is peeling.晒伤了,后背正在脱皮。




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