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The Principal reacted to the school party with an air of sanctimonious disapproval.校长对学校聚会表示不悦,显出一种自命清高的样子。Brisk exports highlight the upturn of the economy.出口活跃显出经济在好转。The room showed signs of human occupation.这屋子显出有人居住的迹象。His expression was one of pure confusion.他显出一副完全摸不着头脑的表情。She began to show signs of impatience and snorted audibly.她开始显出不耐烦的样子,鼻子哼哼作响。His envy showed in a twist of the mouth.他嘴巴一歪显出妒忌的样子。She managed to convey an enthusiasm she did not feel.她勉强显出一副有热情的样子。The trees were black against the sunset.树木在落日的衬托下显出黑色的轮廓。The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.这件衬衫最好是松松垮垮地穿在紧身裤外面,或者是塞进裤子里以显出苗条的身材。Lieutenant Marche's actions showed great courage and leadership.马奇中尉的行为显出他极大的勇气和领导才能。She did seem bewildered, as if I were talking in riddles.她确实显出大惑不解的模样,就好像我在说谜语一样。Take pains to present a smart, efficient appearance, and to show that you are keen to progress in the company.尽力表现出大方能干的样子,并显出渴望在该公司得到发展。He made a conscious effort to look as though he was enjoying himself.他有意竭力显出一副很快乐的样子。She seemed unmoved and quite anaesthetic to his presence.她显出无动于衷的样子,对他的在场持漠然态度。Caroline looked her perplexity.卡罗琳脸上显出困惑的样子。Birds have developed a sexual difference in the colours of their feathers.鸟类在羽毛的颜色上显出雌雄差异。If they look incredulous, show them the evidence.假使他们显出怀疑的样子,拿证据给他们看。The cushions were beginning to show wear.垫子已开始显出磨损痕迹。His face assumed an expression of sublime conceit.他脸上显出一副极端自负的样子。It's times like these that separate the men from the boys.像这样的时候才显出孰强孰弱。He didn't want to seem unhelpful.他不想显出不合作的样子。He bore an air of authority.他显出一副权威的样子。Now and then he would become absent-minded and lapse into silence.他会不时显出心不在焉的样子,陷入沉默。His show of grief was a farce.他竟然显出一副悲伤的样子简直滑稽。She bared her teeth in a semblance of a smile.她露出牙齿,显出一副笑容。A complacency breathed from both of them.他们两人都显出一种踌躇满志的样子。Her white dress accentuated her sunburn.她雪白的衣服更显出她晒黑的肤色。The runner showed signs of distress.那名赛跑运动员显出上气不接下气的样子。Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的欢乐。He was distinguished from the other boys by his height.他的身高显出他与其他男孩不同。The company is now showing signs of a return to profitability.公司现在又重新显出盈利的势头。The light was ghastly and did not show Mrs. Novak to good effect.光线阴惨惨的,没能充分显出诺瓦克太太的姿容。He has shown considerable low-profile political skills.他显出了相当大的锋芒不外露的政治才能。His face broke into an expression of naked anxiety.他脸上突然显出一种不加掩饰的忧虑表情。The old man sat down slowly, indicating his feebleness.老人慢慢地坐下,显出了他的虚弱。She did not wish to seem curious about her neighbour's affairs.她不想显出爱打听邻居事情的样子。Mr Flynn had a tired, ill look in his eyes.弗林先生的眼中显出倦意和病容。Her aspect is bowed and drooping.她显出弯腰弓背的样子。Everyone admired his typically Greek fearlessness when dealing with any official.大家都佩服他在跟任何一个官员打交道时显出的典型希腊式的大无畏精神。The President's secretary looked tired, his face a diary of the past few weeks.总统秘书显出劳累的样子,他的脸上留着过去几周来紧张工作的痕迹。 |