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词汇 Colombia
例句 The FBI believes that Richards is holed up on an estate in Colombia.联邦调查局认为理查兹躲在哥伦比亚的一个住宅区里。Students from countries as diverse as Colombia and Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks.来自哥伦比亚、立陶宛等不同国家的学生都在使用剑桥的课本。The collapse in coffee prices has seriously affected the economies of Brazil and Colombia.咖啡价格的暴跌严重影响了巴西和哥伦比亚的经济。The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.这一选举可能成为哥伦比亚政治史上关键的一次。She was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of Colombia with all its beauty and danger.她天生爱冒险,非常喜欢哥伦比亚既绮丽又险峻的天然景致。Colombia is watered by several rivers.有几条江河流经哥伦比亚。My cousins live in Colombia.我的表姐妹们住在哥伦比亚。Simon's still kind of iffy about going to Colombia.西蒙还有点儿没拿定主意是否要去哥伦比亚。Four other US citizens are being held hostage by guerrillas in Colombia.另有四名美国公民被哥伦比亚境内的游击队扣作人质。Colombia and Venezuela are currently negotiating a trade agreement.哥伦比亚与委内瑞拉目前正在协商一项贸易协定。The drug baron was extradited to the United States from Colombia.这名毒枭从哥伦比亚被引渡至美国。Colombia's win sent them through to the knockout stage of the tournament.哥伦比亚队的胜利把他们送进了锦标赛的淘汰赛阶段。Abstention is traditionally high in Colombia.在哥伦比亚,弃权率历来较高。Experts believe that Colombia is now over the worst of its troubles.专家相信哥伦比亚现已克服了最麻烦的问题。The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.这次选举可能在哥伦比亚政治史上至关重要。Colombia has called out the army and imposed emergency measures.哥伦比亚出动了军队,并采取了紧急措施。




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