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词汇 是否正确
例句 I can appreciate his humanitarian zeal; it is the soundness of his thought that I question.我能够理解他的人道主义热忱,我质疑的是他的观点是否正确He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.他必须得到千真万确的信息才行。这样他才能判断自己的政策是否正确The soundness of his judgment has yet to be tested.他的判断是否正确尚须验证。In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.在很注重政治上是否正确的部门,我因此事受到了批评。Please reenter your passwords to confirm they are correct.请再次输入密码,确认是否正确At the end of the year we check to see if your tax is right.在岁末我们检查一下你的纳税是否正确Please give the schedule a check to see if the times are correct.请核对日程安排,看看时间是否正确The truth or otherwise of this diagnosis would be revealed in the future.这一诊断是否正确将来总会明了。He whisked the butter and eggs together, wondering if this was the right way to make an omelette.他把黄油和鸡蛋搅拌在一起,心里在想不知道这样做鸡蛋饼是否正确Ask the investor to check the correctness of what he has written.让投资人检查一下他所写的是否正确At the time we seriously doubted that the doctor had got the diagnosis right.那时我们非常怀疑医生的诊断是否正确He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确Was it the right decision? It's not for us to judge.这个决定是否正确?这轮不到我们发表意见。Each candidate almost always refrained from challenging the other on the accuracy of the other's contentions.每个候选人对于他人提出的论点是否正确,几乎总是抱克制态度,不加指责。He questions whether the experiments were conducted properly.他质疑实验进行得是否正确Only time will tell whether we made the right decision.只有时间才能证明我们的决定是否正确It is arguable whether this was the right decision.这个决定是否正确有待商榷。Her question set me to wondering if I had made the right decision.她的问题让我开始思考自己的决定是否正确It's not for me to judge whether he made the right decision.他的决定是否正确,轮不到我来评判。Whether or not the government was right to arrest the protesters is an extremely debatable point.政府逮捕抗议者的做法是否正确是极具争议的一点。Make sure you use the correct address.确认一下你用的地址是否正确Have a guess at the answer, then check it with your calculator.猜猜答案是多少,然后用计算器算算,检查一下是否正确I kept wondering if I was doing the right thing.我一直在怀疑我这么做是否正确




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