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词汇 明亮
例句 She opened the door wide so that the room was lighter.她把门开大以使屋内明亮一些。Larry was tall and thin with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.拉里又高又瘦,长着一头深棕色的头发和一双明亮的蓝眼睛。These plants grow best in bright indirect light/sun.这些植物在明亮的间接光线/阳光下生长得最好。A dark shape stood silhouetted against the bright morning sky.早晨明亮的天空衬托出深色的轮廓。Her hair was bright orange. It took us two goes to get the colour right.她的头发呈明亮的橘黄色,我们试了两次才把颜色弄对。There is a fire in the deep of space and the stars are vibrant colours.太空深处里有一团火,星星的色彩都很明亮She has bright golden hair.她有一头明亮的金发。The rooms were bright and airy.这些房间都明亮通风。The lightness of the sky showed that the rain was really over.天空明亮表示雨确已停了。It wasn't red but rather a shade of bright orange.它不是红色,而是明亮的橘黄色。You can easily jazz up a plain outfit with some bright, colourful accessories.一套平平常常的衣服,配上几件明亮而鲜艳的饰物,就能轻而易举地增色不少。The dark colours are balanced by the brightness of the walls.明亮的墙壁使这些深色调显得不那么暗淡。The bedroom was cosily furnished in bright warm colours.卧室以明亮的暖色调布置,令人感觉安逸舒适。Their torches burned brightly in the dark.他们的火把在黑暗中发出明亮的光。Putting in a skylight made the attic seem big and bright.安装天窗后,阁楼显得又大又明亮The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。The classroom was bright and cheerful, with childrens’ drawings on the walls.教室明亮宜人,墙上是孩子们的画作。The bathroom has a light and airy feel.浴室给人以明亮通风之感。The woman had brilliant green eyes.这个女子有双明亮的碧眼。She can't resist the lure of the bright lights.她无法抗拒明亮灯光的诱惑。The doctor's waiting room was bright and cheerful with yellow walls and curtains.医生候诊室的墙壁和窗帘都是黄色的,给人明亮宜人的感觉。Her bright eyes were full of sisterly affection when she spoke to him.对他说话时,她明亮的眼睛充满了姊妹般的爱。At the beginning of term the school looked bright and clean with its freshly painted walls and polished floors.学期刚开始,学校里的墙壁刚刚粉刷一新,地板也刚擦亮过,看上去又明亮又清洁。The instruments glowed in the bright orange light.乐器在明亮的橘红色灯光下熠熠生辉。Remember that paint shades appear lighter in full sunlight.要记住,油漆的色彩在充足的阳光下会显得更加明亮His eyes were bright blue with a roguish twinkle in them.明亮的蓝眼睛里闪烁着调皮的光芒。The bedrooms were all light and airy.卧室全都明亮通风。The moon cast a bright light over the yard.明亮的月光洒在院子里。The moon/stars shined brightly.月亮/星星发出明亮的光。Brilliant sunshine illuminated the scene.灿烂的阳光使景色明亮了起来。I love the bright yellow you've painted the children's room - it makes it look really jolly.我喜欢你给孩子的房间涂刷的明黄色——这使它看上去十分明亮悦目。I was dazzled by a brilliant light.明亮的灯光晃花了我的眼睛。Her bright blue eyes attracted me.她那双明亮的蓝眼睛吸引了我。We emerged from a dark corridor into a bright, airy courtyard.我们从昏暗的走廊走到明亮而通风的院子里。Mrs. Medlock is a large woman, with a very red face and bright black eyes.梅德洛克夫人是个大个子女人,长着红扑扑的脸和一双明亮的黑眼睛。The instruments glowed in the bright orange light.明亮的橙色灯光下,这些乐器闪闪发光。I was attracted by her bright blue eyes.我被她那双明亮的蓝眼睛所吸引。The light isn't good enough to take a photograph.这光线拍照不够明亮The room glowed with fresh paint.房间刚漆过,显得光洁明亮The library's reading-rooms need better illumination.图书馆里阅览室的灯光不够明亮,需要改进。




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