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词汇 时候
例句 Why isn't there ever a taxi around when you need one?为什么在你需要的时候总是没有出租车?She was on the phone when I went to her office.我去她办公室的时候,她正在打电话。I managed to sneak up on him when you knocked on the door.你去敲门的时候,我悄悄靠近了他。I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.我想我到得正是时候She was wide-awake when I came in.我进来的时候,她完全醒了。Back then, people believed they were called to the ministry.时候人们都相信自己去担当神职是上帝的旨意。He's a slow mover in the morning.早晨的时候他动作缓慢。Temperatures are very low for the time of year.对于一年中的这个时候来说,现在气温已经很低了。Although he was experienced, he was not infallible.他尽管经验丰富,但也有犯错的时候Of course, the children are likely to get dirty when they play outdoors.当然,孩子们在室外玩的时候有可能弄得脏兮兮的。The party was well and truly over when he arrived.等他到的时候,聚会已经完全结束了。I never saw my father shed a single tear, even when my mother died.我从没见过父亲流泪,即使在我母亲去世的时候Most banks offer students a free gift when they open a new account.多数银行在学生开新账户的时候会给他们一份赠品。She learned to swim when she was really tiny.她很小的时候就学会了游泳。Kids take so much for granted nowadays - in my day a new bike was really special.现在的孩子把很多东西都太不当回事儿了——我小的时候一辆新自行车就是件稀罕之物。When you were little your hair was really curly.你小的时候头发卷得很厉害。Can you take over the cooking while I walk the dog?我出去遛狗的时候,你能否替我做饭?The dog gave me a nip when we were playing.狗在和我玩的时候咬了我一下。You can be overly modest and undersell yourself.人们有时候会过度谦虚、贬低自己。The movie evokes a simpler time when life was less complicated.这部影片唤起人们对过去那个纯朴年代的回忆,那时候的生活没那么复杂。The children were still awake when we went out.我们出门的时候孩子们还醒着。As she turned back, a movement across the lawn caught her eye.在她转身的时候,草坪有什么动静吸引了她的注意。At teatime, Victoria sang duets with her Consort, Prince Albert.喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。Every year around this time, Paris is packed with slews of tourists.每年到了这个时候,巴黎就挤满了大量的观光客。In those days many factory workers were children.时候,很多工厂工人都是童工。This is not an auspicious time to be opening a new factory.这不是开新厂的好时候A lot of people in the States have a gun handy at night and when they travel.许多美国人在夜间或出行的时候都放一把枪在身边。The time has come for me to speak out, and damn the consequences.到了我该说出来的时候了,管他有什么后果。When my brother left for college, I inherited his old computer.我哥哥去读大学的时候,他的旧电脑就归我了。You were out enjoying yourself when you ought to have been studying.你在应该学习的时候出去玩了。I sat beside him at lunch, horsing with him, pouring salt in his coffee.吃午饭的时候我坐在他旁边捉弄他,把盐倒在他的咖啡里。His wife left him when the children were small, so he effectively brought up the family himself.在孩子还很小的时候妻子就离开了他,所以实际上是他一手把孩子们拉扯大的。He went to close the door, tripping, as he did so, over a pair of boots.他去关门,在去关门的时候给一双靴子绊了一下。He's not the best player on the team, but he has his moments. 他不是队里最好的运动员,但也有表现很好的时候I have to make a conscious effort to be polite so early in the morning.大清早的时候我要特别提醒自己礼貌待人。Paul was opening his post when Margot phoned.保罗正在拆邮件的时候,马戈打电话来了。When the thieves left the building, the police were waiting for them.当盗贼们离开那栋楼的时候,警察正在等着抓他们。When angry or excited, however, he could be wild, profane, and terrifying.但愤怒或激动的时候,他也会发狂、会骂人、令人生畏。No one should remain homeless while houses stand empty.当有房子空置没人住的时候,不应该还有人无家可归。




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