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词汇 collecting
例句 This keen cook is collecting recipes with the aim of one day publishing them.这个热衷厨艺的厨师正在搜集菜谱,想着有朝一日能够出版。I chose a different way of collecting data.我选择了一种不同的收集数据的方法。The kids were collecting shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上拾贝壳。The boys were set to work collecting firewood.男孩子们被打发去拾柴火。She enjoys collecting antique teapots.她喜欢收藏古董茶壶。Bottle-collecting even has a website devoted to the subject.集瓶甚至有一个专题网站。Historians are skilled in collecting facts and interpreting them.历史学家擅长收集史实并作出解释。One of the boy's favourite pursuits is stamp collecting.这男孩的爱好之一是集邮。Frank always took a couple of heavies along with him when he went collecting his debts.弗兰克收债的时候总带着几个身强体壮的打手。His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。We are collecting documents to build up an archive.我们正在收集文献资料逐步建立起档案。Rain collecting at the tip of the rock has formed huge icicles.在岩石尖上聚集的雨水形成了巨大的冰柱。The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。She had a childhood passion for collecting dolls.她小时候酷爱收集娃娃。Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the orphans?我们为那些孤儿募集钱,你能出一点吗? Hundreds of people were ripped off in a scam involving two people who claimed to be collecting money for disaster victims.数百人在一场骗局中上当,当时有两个人声称在为灾民募款。We're collecting food and clothing for the poor.我们正在为穷人募捐食品和衣物。He likes collecting foreign stamps.他喜欢收集外国邮票。Stamp collecting has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child.自小集邮就一直是我的爱好。The children were collecting shells on the beach.孩子们在海滩上捡贝壳。She has been collecting pins for years.她收集徽章已经好多年了。Stamp collecting is my favorite activity.集邮是我最喜爱的消遣。His other interests included collecting and restoring antique clocks.他的其他兴趣包括收集和修复古钟。Stamp collecting has become an obsession with/for me. 我迷上了集邮。We'll have to eat later, I'm collecting Grandma from the hospital this evening.我们得晚些吃饭了,今晚我要去医院接外婆。He is collecting on his disability insurance.他在领取残疾保险金。He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies.他试图给我们编一个他如何为教会募捐的故事。那全都是谎言。He has a rage for collecting stamps.他有集邮的癖好。I've been collecting samples of the different types of rock which occur in this area.我一直在收集本地区各种岩石的样本。He was taken in by a man who said he was collecting money for a charity.他被一个自称为慈善机构筹款的人骗了。Some people were collecting for charity outside of the supermarket.超级市场外面有几个人在做慈善募捐。One of Tony's hobbies was collecting rare birds.托尼的业余爱好之一是搜集稀有鸟类。We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.有个筹集慈善捐款的人到我们这里来募捐。She is still collecting hard data on the software's performance.她仍在收集有关这个软件性能的确凿数据。I am collecting for the local women's shelter.我正为本地妇女避难所募捐。This shop is an antique collecting paradise!这家商店是古董收藏的天堂!So when did you start collecting antique glass?那你是从什么时候开始收集古董玻璃制品的?Hospitals are poor at collecting information.医院不善于收集信息。His hobby is collecting model ships.他的业余爱好是收集船舶模型。Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project.伊丽莎白一直在为完成学校的一份课题作业收集蜗牛。




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