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词汇 旧时
例句 Human victims were immolated to the Thunderer.旧时宰杀活人祭雷神。The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。People are naturally curious to know what has become of their former schoolfriends in later life.人们自然会想知道旧时的同窗老友在后来生活中的经历和遭遇。Her arrival awakened old memories.她的到来唤起了许多旧时的记忆。The walls have a faux finish that mimics old plaster walls.这些墙上涂了一层仿饰漆,很像旧时的石膏墙面。The old prison camp is a haunting reminder of the country's dark past.这处旧时的战俘集中营使人时刻想起这个国家黑暗的过去。The old West Berlin was physically constrained by a wall.旧时的西柏林实际上被一堵墙所限制。Soldiers in the past were sometimes punished by being forced to run the gauntlet. 旧时士兵有时会受到夹道棒击的刑罚。She dismissed creationism as old-time religion.她摒弃神创说,认为那是一种旧时宗教的说法。The English of the present day is different from the English of the past.当代英语跟旧时的英语不同。He spent the afternoon raking around in the attic for some old family photographs.他在顶楼翻了一下午,找几张旧时家庭照。In the old days a class music lesson would be led by the teacher playing the piano and everybody would give it laldie.旧时一堂顶呱呱的音乐课,往往是老师弹着钢琴引领,班上每个人都起劲地放声歌唱。An object from the past can be used to engage the students' interest and awaken curiosity.旧时的一件物品可以用来引起学生的兴趣并唤起他们的好奇心。Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist.虽然旧时的秘密警察业已废除,但宪兵队依然存在。Her arrival brought an awakening of old memories.她的到来使得旧时的记忆又复苏了。They believe that hunting is a relic of the past and are calling for it to be banned.他们认为狩猎是旧时的遗俗,因而要求予以禁止。Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving.旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。In former times, criminals could take sanctuary inside a church.旧时岁月里,罪犯可以躲进教堂避难。Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past.现代女性已经从许多压在旧时女性身上的责任中解放出来了。We foot it all the night, weaving olden dances.我们一整夜都跳啊跳的,在旧时的舞蹈中流连穿梭。I ran into an old girlfriend yesterday. It brought back memories.昨天我无意中遇见旧时女友,唤起一些昔时的记忆。Let's not reopen old sores.我们可别再提旧时的伤心事了。The adults had reasserted their old authority.大人们重申他们旧时的权威。This is the old coach road.这是旧时的马车道。The old market is a living link with the past, unchanged for hundreds of years.这个老市场数百年来没有变化,是追忆旧时岁月的活化石。The Greeks treated women as subhuman.旧时希腊人不把女人当人看。




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