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词汇 日程表
例句 His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances.他的工作日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。Built into her schedule will be weekend retreats.周末静养将列入她的日程表Our schedule is wall-to-wall weddings from June through August. 我们的日程表从六月到八月排满了要去参加的婚礼。The Birmingham meeting is one of the most prestigious events in the racing calendar.在这项竞赛的年度日程表上,伯明翰站的比赛是最负声誉的比赛之一。The schedule left no margin for error.这份日程表不容出错。The most noteworthy event in the calendar is the teachers' conference.日程表中最值得注意的事就是教师大会了。There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5.他的个人日程表上记著四月五日有三个约会。The principal has a very tight schedule.校长的日程表排得满满的。He set himself a punishing schedule of talks, lectures and conferences all over America.他给自己安排了一个非常繁重的日程表,在美国各地进行会谈、演说,还要参加会议。There's a mistake in the schedule.这个日程表里有个错误。This plan of yours cuts into our schedule rather badly.你的这个计划要占去我们日程表里不少时间。I'll handle the schedule. Just put it out of your mind. 我来处理日程表,你不用操心这些。The President will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule.总统如果死守着刻板的日程表,就不能与足够多的人会面。My schedule is filled to the limit. 我的日程表安排得不能再满了。The college needs to establish an agenda for change.这所学院需要制定一个改革日程表The group has a busy social calendar.该小组的社交日程表排得满满的。After juggling our schedules around, we've managed to arrange a meeting.改动我们的日程表后,我们已设法安排出时间开会。Some items on the agenda involve commercially sensitive information.日程表上的一些项目包含商业机密情报。We update the schedule at least once a month.我们至少每月更新一次日程表We spent a few minutes familiarizing ourselves with the day's schedule.我们花了几分钟时间熟悉当天的日程表




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