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词汇 日程安排
例句 They have no fixed schedule.他们没有固定的日程安排Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule.凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排Please give the schedule a check to see if the times are correct.请核对日程安排,看看时间是否正确。I want to change my schedule, but my boss won't allow it.我想改变我的日程安排,但老板不让。My schedule has gotten a little out of joint in the past few weeks.过去几周我的日程安排有点乱。We both have such hectic schedules.我们俩日程安排得都很紧。This is far better than chopping and changing according to other people's agendas.这比按照别人的日程安排变来变去要好得多。His agenda is discordant with ours.他的日程安排和我们的有冲突。We are on a tight schedule.我们的日程安排很满。He has a very irregular schedule.他的日程安排很不规律。The schedule has been changed around a little.日程安排稍有变化。We'll make allowances in the schedule for time off.日程安排时我们会把休息时间考虑在内。She has trouble making time in her busy schedule for exercise.日程安排很满,难以挤出时间来健身。We still have to iron out a few more wrinkles in the schedule.关于日程安排我们还有几个小问题需要解决。She maintains a hectic schedule as a journalist and mother.她作为记者和母亲一直把日程安排得满满的。At the beginning of term there is horse-trading over timetables.在学期初,有过一场关于日程安排的激烈争论。He changed the schedule on his own responsibility.他擅自更改了日程安排See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call.看看能不能修改你的日程安排表,想出切实可行的办法来减少你值班的时间。Work schedules have gone haywire.工作日程安排已经乱了。I know you're worried about the schedule, but I don't share your concerns. 我知道你担心日程安排,但我不担心。Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV.即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。Doubts have arisen over the viability of the schedule.对于这一日程安排的可行性,人们产生了怀疑。Do you have a schedule for the tour?你有这次旅行的日程安排吗?My busy schedule leaves little time for leisure.我的日程安排得满满的,几乎没有时间娱乐。He has changed his schedule to a three-day stint, which starts Friday.他把日程安排改为三天时间,从星期五开始。My boss wouldn't allow me to change my schedule.老板不会允许我改变日程安排The date of the debate had to be changed because of scheduling clashes. 由于日程安排上的冲突,辩论只好改日进行。I make sure that I have a fairly light schedule in the summer when the kids are on vacation.我确保夏天孩子们去度假以后,我的日程安排会相当宽松。Is the schedule agreeable to you? 你能接受这个日程安排吗?His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times.有时,繁重的日程安排似乎冷却了他的激情。The flight was cancelled, and that really messed our schedule up.航班被取消了,那样一来就把我们的日程安排全打乱了。The schedule provides a generous allowance of time for sightseeing. 这个日程安排提供了充裕的观光时间。Leaving/Putting aside the question of money for the moment, we need to come up with a workable schedule.现在先不谈钱的问题,我们得拿出一个可行的日程安排The couple simply can't get their schedules to jibe.这对夫妻根本无法协调各自的日程安排His schedule is grueling.他的日程安排叫人筋疲力尽。Only department managers have the authority to change the schedule.只有部门经理才有权改变日程安排In recent years she has had to reduce her schedule because of age and infirmity.近几年,因为上了年纪,身体又差,她不得不减少了日程安排We need to coordinate our schedules.我们需要协调我们的日程安排They have had an inordinate number of problems with the schedule.他们的日程安排出现了过多的问题。Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.谢谢你从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间来和我们谈话。




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