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词汇 collapsing
例句 It's become a commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.现在在街上时不时会看见有人饿晕。The rural people have been impoverished by a collapsing economy.经济崩溃使农村地区的人们一贫如洗。After collapsing, she was rushed to hospital, where she was admitted.她晕倒后被紧急送往医院接受治疗。Small businesses have been collapsing one after another.小型企业纷纷倒闭。The bridge was in danger of collapsing.这座桥有坍塌的危险。The miners used special braces to keep the walls from collapsing.矿工用特殊的支架撑住墙身,以免倒塌。The bridge came dangerously close to collapsing. 大桥就快要垮塌了。The roof is so far gone it's collapsing.屋顶情况十分糟糕,就要塌了。Margaret sprinted down the street, almost collapsing when she reached us.玛格丽特在街上拼命地跑,追上我们时她已几乎瘫倒了。I ended up collapsing with exhaustion.我最终累得倒下了。The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.这座城镇的旧码头区多年来疏于维护,就要坍塌了。Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing.与此同时,伦敦的皇宫影业公司也正在分崩离析。The reasons for the project collapsing were circumstantial.工程垮掉系环境所迫。There's no sense in any of us collapsing.我们中间任何一个人垮下来都是没有好处的。It's commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets.人们因饥饿倒在街上是寻常的事情。They've entered this new confederacy because the central government's been unable to control the collapsing economy.由于中央政府无力控制逐渐崩溃的经济,所以他们加入了这个新联盟。The weight of snow stressed the roof to the point of collapsing.雪的重量压得屋顶快要塌了。Most of the deaths were caused by landslides and collapsing buildings.大部分死亡是由山体滑坡和建筑倒塌造成的。The whole building is in danger of collapsing.整幢大楼都有倒塌的危险。Companies found themselves collapsing under the weight of debts.许多公司发现自己因债台高筑而濒临倒闭。She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed.她精疲力竭地回到家,勉强冲了个澡就倒在了床上。




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