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词汇 无辜
例句 Fay assumed an air of innocence.费伊装出一副无辜的样子。No one believed him despite his insistence that he was innocent.尽管他坚称自己是无辜的,但没人相信他。She truly believed he was innocent.她的确相信他是无辜的。You can try to minimize the damage to innocent civilians.你们可以尽力把对无辜平民的伤害降到最低程度。He was convinced of her innocence.他确信她是无辜的。He claims he is innocent.他声称自己是无辜的。He put on an innocent look.他装出一副无辜的样子。This woman is innocent - end of story.这个女人是无辜的——情况就是如此。His remarks add to the proof that she is innocent.他的话进一步证明她是无辜的。Brown's wife was convinced of his innocence.布朗的妻子坚信他是无辜的。Nor were governments guiltless in this matter.各政府在这件事上并非无辜She immediately assumed a look of innocence. 她马上装出了一副无辜的样子。We consider that the plaintiff is not guilty.我们断定原告是无辜的。They continue to proclaim their innocence.他们继续宣称自己无辜The wrong man had been punished.无辜的人受到了惩罚。We do not believe his assertion that he is innocent.我们不相信他关于自己是无辜的声明。They killed thousands of the inhabitants, whereof many were innocent children.他们杀害了数以千计的居民,其中许多是无辜的孩子。I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.我愿意假定他是无辜的。She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.她坚持认为她孙子是无辜的,什么都不能改变她这一看法。She was convinced that her mother had been innocent.她确信她母亲是无辜的。He continues to maintain his innocence. = He continues to maintain that he is innocent.他仍然坚称自己是无辜的。Throughout the trial Reilly protested his innocence.在整个审判过程中,赖利始终坚称自己是无辜的。There's a danger that we will end up blaming innocent children for society's problems.我们最终有可能会把社会问题怪罪到无辜的孩子们头上。He is responsible for placing innocent lives in jeopardy.他要为使那些无辜的生命受到威胁而承担责任。Because of the budget cuts, some students, through no fault of their own, may have a hard time paying their way.由于削减了预算,那些无辜受到影响的学生可能很难承担完成学业所需的费用了。The war was killing innocent women and children.战争夺走了许多无辜妇女和儿童的生命。In its submission to the Commission, the association claimed that many prisoners are innocent.在呈交委员会的声明中,该协会声称许多犯人是无辜的。He was sure of Jack's innocence.他确信杰克是无辜的。Don't jumble the innocent and the guilty.不要混淆无辜的人和有罪的人。What poetic justice it is that Brady has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.布雷迪不得不上法院恳求被处死,就如同当初无辜的受害者恳求免于一死一样,真是报应。Our country had sustained a tremendous loss of innocent life.我们国家有大量无辜平民丧生。He says he's innocent and he wants an opportunity to clear himself. = He wants an opportunity to clear his name. 他说自己是无辜的,并希望有机会证明自己的清白。In all wars, it's innocent civilians who suffer most.不管什么样的战争,受苦最深的是无辜的平民。Hundreds of innocent civilians were slaughtered.几百名无辜平民遭屠杀。Crippen insisted on his innocence.克里平坚称自己是无辜的。The hearing is not a trial of innocence or guilt.听证会并不裁定无辜或有罪。I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.我竭力保留一丝坚信他无辜的信念。Both men insist that they are innocent.两个男人都坚称他们是无辜的。I can imagine no greater miscarriage of justice than the execution of an innocent man.我想象不出比处死无辜的人更严重的误判了。Through their tireless work, they proved his innocence.通过不懈的努力,他们证明了他是无辜的。




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