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词汇 无论什么
例句 There's no substitute for hard work.无论什么都代替不了努力工作。Nothing justifies murder.无论什么都不能成为谋杀的理由。Caroline had the bit between her teeth and nothing was going to stop her.卡罗琳干劲十足,无论什么都阻止不了她。After Father went away, nothing distracted me from my sense of loss.父亲走后,无论什么都不能分散我若有所失之感。This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it.这首歌我无论什么时候听到,都会非常激动。If we can at any time render you a similar service, we shall be glad to do so.无论什么时候能帮你办类似这样的事,我们将乐于效劳。Come over anytime you feel like it.无论什么时候想来都行。If you're ever/If ever you're in Rio, do give me a call.无论什么时候你到了里约,一定要给我打个电话。I'll give you my address so you can look me up whenever you're in London.我会把我的地址给你,那么你无论什么时候到伦敦都可以来看我。Whenever Suzie walks into a room all the men immediately turn their heads.苏茜无论什么时候走进屋子,所有的男人都会立即回过头来看她。Whatever specious arguments would silence an opponent.无论什么似是而非的论点都会使对手哑口无言。Nothing can divert me from my goal.无论什么都无法让我脱离自己的目标。He goes out jogging in all weathers.无论什么天气,他都要出去慢跑。Andrew went rigid when he saw a dog, any dog, anywhere.安德鲁过去只要看见狗,无论在哪里,无论什么狗,都会吓得一动不动。Remember to buckle up your seatbelt each and every time you ride in a car.无论什么时候乘车,都要想着系好安全带。Anything would be better than this.无论什么都要比这个好。Nothing will persuade me to break this vow.无论什么都不会让我违反此誓言。He excelled at whatever role he played.无论什么角色都扮演得非常出色。You are welcome to visit us anytime.无论什么时候来访都欢迎。She was unfailingly courteous and helpful.无论什么时候都是彬彬有礼,乐于助人。




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