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例句 She has no regard for other people's feelings.无视别人的感受。The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。The planning authorities should not ride roughshod over the wishes of local people.建筑规划部门不应无视当地人的意愿。The campers pooh-poohed our warnings about the storm.露营者们无视我们关于暴风雨的警告。They ignored the warning signs.他们无视警告标志。No young politician can afford to flout convention in this way.没有哪个年轻的从政者敢于以这样的方式无视传统。It is no longer possible to dismiss the link between climate change and carbon emissions.不可能再无视二氧化碳排放与气候变化之间的联系了。He foolishly ignored his parents' advice.无视父母的建议,很愚蠢。We should not ignore or dismiss the Luddites, because sometimes they are right.我们不应无视或鄙视那些反对工业革新的人,因为有时候他们是对的。The threat of legal action is a powerful goad to companies that have ignored the regulations.被诉诸法律的威胁对无视条例规定的公司来说,是一种强有力的鞭策。It's no use blinking the fact that...不能无视…的事实。My advice was lost on him.无视我的建议。The judge found that the Twitchells had acted with complete disregard for the safety of their son.法官发现特威切尔夫妇的行为完全无视儿子的安全。Using his daughter's case as a jumping-off point, he described a justice system that ignores the rights of the victim.他从他女儿的事情说起,描述了无视受害者权利的司法体系。The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.这位首相无视道德问题。This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.这最后一项条款明显是对那些可能会无视法令之人的威慑。She shocked her neighbours by ignoring every convention of respectable society.无视上流社会的任何习俗,令邻居们惊愕不已。We do not close our eyes to the difficulties.我们并非无视这些困难。They accused the government of riding roughshod over international law. 他们谴责政府无视国际法。Many bar owners flout the laws on under-age drinking.许多酒吧老板无视禁止未成年人饮酒的法律。The shop assistants didn't take a blind bit of notice of the queue of customers waiting to be served.店员们无视等候服务的顾客排起的长龙。The students took to the streets, defying a ban on political gatherings.学生们无视不许政治集会的禁令走上街头。This deal involved riding roughshod over the advice of the Government.这项协议无视政府的建议。He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it.无视历史,谁就注定要重蹈其覆辙。He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul.无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。People took to the streets in defiance of the curfew.人们无视宵禁,走上街头。She felt they had insulted her by repeatedly ignoring her questions.他们屡次无视她的提问,使她觉得受到了侮辱。Some companies flout the rules and employ children as young as seven.有些公司无视规定,雇用年仅七岁的儿童。He has no respect for the rules. 无视这些规则的存在。The film was violent and amoral.这部电影非常暴力并且无视道德标准。It would be a mistake to ignore their strong sentiments on the issue.无视他们在这个问题上的强烈情绪将是个错误。I do not close my eyes to the difficulties.我并非无视这些困难。 I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.我可以选择无视这些无关的想法,当然也可以选择不按这些想法行事。It would not be politic to ignore the reporters.无视记者可不是上策。For the next four years they defied convention by living as man and wife when they were not.接下来的四年,他们无视社会规范,虽不是夫妻却以夫妻身份共同生活。The judge said it would be inequitable to disregard the husband's misconduct.法官说,无视这个丈夫的不端行为将有失公允。He disregarded my advice.无视我的忠告。It would be discourteous to ignore his request.无视他的请求是失礼的。Ignoring his obvious derangement, they charged him with treason.他们无视他明显的精神错乱,仍以叛国罪对他提起诉讼。Majorities would ride roughshod over minority rights.多数人会无视少数人的权利。




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