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词汇 无能
例句 The opposition, predictably, accused the Government of incompetence.正如原先预见的一样,反对派们指责政府无能He is venomous about her ineptitude.他非常恨她的愚蠢无能For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.在任何一群艺术家中,每一两个有才华的人周围总有一帮平庸无能的溜须拍马者。I know my boss considers me incompetent.我知道老板认为我无能This is a case of incompetence with a capital I.这真是名副其实的无能The problems were made worse by the ineffectual political leadership of the coalition.这些问题由于联合政府的政治领导班子无能而变得更加严重。I'm aware of my weaknesses and incapacities.我意识到自己的弱点和无能The manager was discharged for inefficiency.经理因无能而被解雇。He regarded the young man as feckless and irresponsible.他认为这个年轻人不光无能,还不负责任。Their military capability has been reduced because their air force has proved not to be effective.他们的军事实力因为空军的无能而被削弱。She heard her father shouting that her mother was stupid, useless, and good for nothing but her money.她听到父亲叫嚷说母亲愚蠢无能,除了有点钱外一无是处。The report blamed police incompetence for the tragedy.报道指责警方的无能导致了这场悲剧。He is too incompetent to be trusted with such an important responsibility.他太过无能,不可委此重任。I've never seen such bumbling incompetence!我从未见过这样的糊涂和无能The incompetent military leadership had impoverished a once prosperous country.无能的军事领导层使一个曾经繁荣昌盛的国家变得一贫如洗。He went into a tirade about the failures of the government.他言辞犀利,痛陈政府的无能Thousands of refugees are dying because of the incompetence and maladministration of local officials.由于地方官员的无能和渎职,数千上万的难民正处于死亡的边缘。The investigation was ruined by their bungling.因为他们的无能,调查被搞砸了。The government has been caught out by the speed of events.事态的快速发展暴露了政府的无能Several officers had alleged incompetence on the part of the general.数名军官声称这位将军无能The FBI was either asleep or inept or both.美国联邦调查局要么是懈怠了,要么是无能,要么是二者兼有。The candidate blamed her opponent for the local government's inefficiency.这位候选人认为她的对手应该为地方政府的无能负责。He kept on blathering about police incompetence.他喋喋不休地大谈警察无能At best the government is incompetent, and at worst, it is totally corrupt.往好处说,是政府无能;往坏处说,整个儿就是腐败。The ineptitude of the government was all too obvious.政府的无能实在太明显了。Brown's assistant has been branded in the papers as incompetent.布朗的助手在报纸上被人说成是无能She can't rely on her feckless son.她不能指望她那个无能的儿子。The general weeded out poor commanders.将军淘汰了无能的指挥官。She muttered something about the incompetence of the office staff.她低声抱怨办公人员的无能An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.雇主不能雇用无能的工人。An ineffective person should not be our leader.无能的人不该当我们的领导者。Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down.懒惰兼无能的警官令公众失望。Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.管理层在处理这一纠纷时显示出了令人难以置信的无能I will not tolerate your incompetence any longer!我再也不会容忍你的无能了!The media's efforts often focus public attention on government incompetence, forcing government to do the right thing.媒体往往努力把公众的注意力集中到政府的无能上,从而迫使政府采取正确的行动。The government has been caught out by the speed of events.事情发展之迅速暴露了政府的无能He is lazy and inefficient.他既懒惰又无能They sell guns to every tinpot dictator that wants them.他们把枪支卖给任何需要它们的无能独裁者。Political impotence combined with economic despair is an explosive mix.政治上的无能加上经济上的绝望会产生爆炸性后果。I was a talentless spoiler. If I couldn't be good, why should they?.我是个无能的捣乱分子。如果我做不好,他们有什么理由表现好呢?




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