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词汇 无法忍受
例句 I cannot bear the nauseating smell of boiled eggs.无法忍受煮鸡蛋那令人作呕的气味。She couldn't stand his blunt, graceless manner.无法忍受他唐突粗鲁的举止。She said that some of her husband's quiddities were quite unbearable to her.她说她的丈夫的一些怪癖让她无法忍受She wouldn't put up with his shenanigans.无法忍受他的胡闹。He cannot stand his boss.无法忍受他的老板。That thing made an ungodly racket.那东西发出了令人无法忍受的响声。It would kill her to be parted from him for any length of time.哪怕离开他一刻她都无法忍受She couldn't bear the thought of parting from her family.一想到要离开家人,她就无法忍受James just can't stand his mother-in-law.詹姆斯就是无法忍受他的岳母。This would put intolerable pressure on them.这会给他们施加无法忍受的压力。This level of human suffering cannot be tolerated.这种程度的人类苦难是无法忍受的。Judy was tired of quarrelling with her husband.朱迪再也无法忍受和丈夫吵吵闹闹。She can't bear you to talk about it, Rose. That's evident.罗斯,她无法忍受你谈论这件事。这是明摆着的。The constant pain made her life intolerable.长期疼痛使她的生活变得无法忍受The noise is making our lives intolerable.这噪音让我们的生活变得无法忍受These endless meetings are enough to tax the patience of a saint.这些没完没了的会议连圣人也无法忍受All I remember of my daughter's birth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.生我女儿给我留下的记忆就是无法忍受的疼痛和一切结束后的轻松。I can't stand back-seat drivers.无法忍受那些爱指手画脚的人。Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable.他们如此怠慢自己的粉丝令人无法忍受He couldn't stand the pain.无法忍受这种痛苦。She could not abide sympathy or people fussing over her.无法忍受别人对她的同情或者过分关心。His manner is intolerably upper-class.他一副上等人的派头,叫人无法忍受Her perpetual complaints proved too much to bear. 她没完没了的抱怨让人无法忍受She couldn't bear to be parted from her family.无法忍受和家人分离。She could no longer tolerate his shallowness.她再也无法忍受他的肤浅了。She cannot abide the thought of him being tortured.她一想到他受折磨就无法忍受Without Westcott's moderating influence, Mathers's autocratic manner became unbearable.没有了韦斯科特从中斡旋,马瑟斯的独断专行开始叫人无法忍受They were tired of their raw treatment by their boss.他们受到老板的不公正待遇,对此实在无法忍受了。She could never swallow such humiliation.这般羞辱她永远无法忍受I can't stand the closeness of the attic anymore.我再也无法忍受阁楼的窒闷了。The endless noise is more than flesh and blood can stand.无休止的噪声让人无法忍受Unprovoked displays of aggression cannot be tolerated.无缘无故的挑衅行为是让人无法忍受的。He could hardly bear the pain.他几乎无法忍受这种疼痛。He found the dullness of his work hardly bearable.他觉得自己的工作枯燥乏味,简直无法忍受Linda can't stand mess.琳达无法忍受脏乱。I cannot endure the sound of her voice.无法忍受她的声音。She can't stick his friends. 无法忍受他的朋友。The underground is insufferable in this heat.这么热的天坐地铁让人无法忍受The hotel was expensive, the food poor, and the bad weather was the last straw.旅馆收费太贵,伙食极差,而恶劣的天气更是使人怎么也无法忍受了。When he won the Award, the complacency he exhibited was unbearable.当他领奖时,他展露出来的洋洋自得真是让人无法忍受




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