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词汇 无休止
例句 People are tired of the unending debate about tobacco.人们厌倦了有关抽烟的无休止的讨论。We had endless meetings about the problem.我们就这个问题进行了无休止的讨论。Her endless nagging drove him away from home.无休止的唠叨抱怨逼得他离家出走了。It's impossible to work with these constant interruptions.这些无休止的干扰令人没法工作。Her mother's continual nagging drove her into running away from home.她母亲无休止的唠叨迫使她离家出走。There was the endless ticking of clocks.钟表发出无休止的嘀嗒声。This is a debate that will run and run.这将是一场无休止的辩论。Her constant questions put the teacher's patience to the test.无休止的提问实在是对老师耐心的考验!I admire their spirit in the face of such grinding tedium.我钦佩他们面对这种无休止的枯燥乏味所表现出的精神。Black players have to endure endless taunts.黑人选手得忍受无休止的嘲讽。He constantly teases her and never knows when to stop.他总是取笑她,从无休止The endless noise is more than flesh and blood can stand.无休止的噪声让人无法忍受。The excessive coverage of the scandal signals that the news media may have finally hit/reached the bottom of the barrel.对丑闻无休止的报道意味着新闻媒体已经黔驴技穷了。The war was endless.那是场无休止的战争。His endless whining really gets on my nerves.无休止的抱怨使我心情很烦躁。We had to put up with loud noise and constant interference from the neighbors.我们不得不忍受邻居们嘈杂的噪声和无休止的打扰。I can't stand their constant bickering.我受不了他们无休止的争吵。They had to endure continual racist abuse.他们不得不忍受针对他们种族无休止的辱骂。His insatiable appetite for glamour gave him a distinct tendency to idolatry; all his geese were swans.他对魅力无休止的追求使他明显具有偶像崇拜的倾向,动辄夸大其词。I'm tired of your perpetual nagging.我对你无休止的唠叨厌烦了。They are trapped in a cycle of violence.他们陷入了无休止的暴力事件之中。There was a constant tug-of-war between the military and the President.军队和总统之间是一场无休止的激烈斗争。Every time I visit there is the endless bickering.每次我去都会碰到无休止的争吵。Outside the window is the incessant noise of cars and buses.窗外是汽车和公共汽车发出的无休止的噪声。I didn't want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.我可不想卷入这无休止的鸡毛蒜皮的争吵中。We are engaged in a never-ending struggle against poverty.我们在从事一场无休止的消除贫困的斗争。I began to live in an almost permanent state of fear.我开始生活在一种几乎无休止的恐惧状态中。




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