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例句 They exerted political influence on newspaper editors.他们对报纸编辑们施加了政治影响。He threatened stiffer penalties on young offenders.他扬言要对未成年犯施加更严厉的处罚。Politicians these days are more interested in playing to the gallery than exercising real influence on world events.现在的政客更关心的是如何哗众取宠,而不是怎样才能对全球大事施加实质性的影响。Advertising puts pressure on parents to work long hours, in order to buy things that their children don't need.广告给父母亲们施加了压力,让他们延长工作时间以便为子女购买不必要的东西。They did everything to bring diplomatic pressures to bear on the admiral.他们无所不用其极,对海军上将施加外交压力。He's been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my mind.他一直在施加种种压力要我改变主意。If he still refuses we could always apply a little pressure, as it were.如果他还是拒绝,我们总还可以在一定程度上给他施加点压力。Her parents piled on the pressure to do well in school. 父母给她施加了很多压力让她在学校表现出色。The forum is capable of applying heavy pressure on the parliament.这一论坛能对议会施加强大压力。They exerted considerable influence within the school.他们在校内施加了很大的影响力。The Prime Minister's been leaning pretty heavily on her to resign.首相一直在对她施加重压,迫她辞职。He denies exerting any political influence over them.他否认对他们施加了任何政治压力。Jerry says he's under a lot of pressure at the moment from his boss.杰里说眼下老板给他施加了很大的压力。This would put intolerable pressure on them.这会给他们施加无法忍受的压力。We may have to lean on them a little if we want our money.我们如果想把钱拿回来,就必须要对他们施加一些压力。She had to give in as a result of pressure relayed from her relatives via her parents.由于亲戚通过她的父母向她施加的压力,她只好屈从了。The Prime Minister is calling for new restraints on trade unions.首相正在呼吁对工会施加新的限制措施。The heavy gate had exerted considerable pressure on the flimsy post.厚重的大门对脆弱的柱子施加了极大的压力。The court found that the bank exerted undue influence over Mrs Black in getting her to sign the contract.法庭判定银行在劝说布莱克夫人签订合同的过程中对她施加了不当影响。They have put considerable pressure on the Government to toughen its stance…他们已对政府施加了相当大的压力,要求其采取强硬立场。He may have put pressure on her to agree.他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。As it transpired, the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City.后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。This is a deliberate self-imposed limitation.这是一项自己故意施加的限制。He doesn't put any restrictions on me.他对我没有施加任何约束。Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results.从这么小就开始对孩子施加很大的压力,可能会产生不良的后果。The pressure they put us under was unbelievable.他们给我们施加的压力之大超乎想象。The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.公众施加了压力,商界正逐步改善自己的行为。Increasing constraints on the growth of air and automobile transport lead to a renaissance of the rails.对航空和汽车运输的发展正施加越来越多的限制,这就导致铁路运输的复兴。She resolved to abide the pressure her superiors put on her.她决心顶住上司们向她施加的压力。He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues.他想对他的同事施加不适当的影响。He managed to get a lot done, considering the time constraints that were placed on him.考虑到对他施加的种种时间限制,他已经完成很多了。He inflicted severe penalties on the prisoners.他对囚犯施加苛刑。The council asserted that the government acted unlawfully in imposing the restrictions.委员会认定政府强行施加这些限制是非法的。The ruling will put extra pressure on health authorities to change working practices and shorten hours.该判决将给卫生部门施加更多的压力促使其改变工作惯例,缩短工作时间。The Brazilian attack put France's defenders under pressure.巴西队的进攻给法国队的后卫施加了很大的压力。She was reprimanded for putting undue pressure on her clients.她因给顾客施加过度的压力而受责备。He rises above the political pressure on him.他不为施加于他的政治压力所动。He was unable to exert any appreciable influence upon them.他对他们不可能施加什么有分量的影响。It might give them undue influence over the negotiations.这可能会在谈判问题上给他们施加不当影响。He argues that placing too many requirements on schools devalues the education they provide.他认为对学校施加过多要求会降低它们所提供教育的价值。




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