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例句 Walking instead of driving is an excellent way of losing weight.徒步取代开车是绝佳的减肥方式The best way to explore the island is to hire a car.在该岛上寻幽访胜的最好方式就是租用一辆汽车。She criticized the government for the way it has prosecuted the war.她指责政府以这种方式继续战争。I love the way she sings that song.我十分喜欢听她唱那首歌的方式I think I'd go about it quite differently.我想我会以非常不同的方式来着手做这件事。All claims must be settled in a professional and timely manner.所有的索赔必须以专业的方式及时予以解决。Its highly intuitive and user-friendly interface will innovate the way you take notes.其易懂易用的友好界面将变革记笔记的方式They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书。For a long time he still thought like a millionaire but he has humility now.在很长一段时间里,他仍以一个百万富翁的方式思维,但他现在变得谦恭了。Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance.最后一个月的薪水将透过汇寄的方式付给你。This has caused us to reassess the way we approach our planning.这件事让我们重新审视了我们的规划方式I get paid by direct deposit.我的工资是通过电子转账方式发放的。The nouveau riche have to find a way to be accepted.暴发户不得不寻找能被人接纳的方式They want less passive ways of filling their time.他们想找些更为积极的方式来打发时间。There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwise weaken the Roche family's control of the firm.有一点需要预先声明:他不得参与合并,或以其他方式削弱罗奇家族对该公司的控制。We try to fill our executive positions by promotion from within.我们试图通过内部提升的方式来填补行政职位空缺。She carefully sculpted the narrative of the story.她精心设计了这个故事的叙述方式The papers have taken care to break the news gently to their readers.各报纸竭力以和缓的方式向读者透露这一消息。The manner in which young children are spoken to varies depending on who is present.对小孩子说话的方式视在场的人不同而有所变化。The club members decided in a ballot to suspend the captain.俱乐部成员通过投票方式决定暂令队长停职。It was pretty humiliating for him to lose in that way.以那种方式失败使他很丢脸。A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰。We had to jump-start our car as the battery was low.我们的车电瓶快没电了,只好用助动方式启动。I usually take the bus to school, but today I walked for a change.我通常坐公共汽车去上学,但今天我换了一个方式,步行去的。He felt some guilt over the manner of her death.她以这种方式死去,他心里有些内疚。Changes have been proposed to the format of the competition.有人建议改变竞赛的组织方式Examination is by continuous assessment.考试采取持续测评的方式Each course of studies was so arranged that students could combine their education with part-time work.每门课程的安排方式使学生能够边学习边干点兼职工作。Art provides a channel for the children's creativity.艺术是儿童发挥创造力的一种方式I have my own peculiar way of doing things.我有自己独特的做事方式In his own way, he was dependent on her.他以自己的方式依赖她。Just thinking about the way he had touched her made her skin crawl.只要一想他触摸她的方式,就让她浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。The experiment tested the behavior of various metals under heat and pressure.实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应方式He spoke in such a manner as to offend them.他用这种方式讲话,以致冒犯了他们。We suggest simple but stylish ways to decorate your home without breaking the bank.我们推荐简单时尚的家居装修方式,不必花费太多。They had a disagreement about the best way to get to the beach.关于去海滩的最佳方式他们意见不一。Only he understood the complicated mechanics of his business.只有他明白自家生意的复杂运作方式It's absurd for journalists to debase themselves in this way.记者们竟然用这种方式进行自贬,实在荒唐。I admired the way he handled the crisis. = I admired how he handled the crisis.我佩服他处理危机的方式Playing golf with clients is one way to mix business with pleasure. 和客户打高尔夫球是把生意和娱乐结合起来的一种方式




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