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词汇 新近
例句 He built his theory on recent studies.他以新近的研究为基础创建了自己的理论。A later report said the oil fire on the sea was out.新近的一篇报道称海上的石油大火已经熄灭。Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography.新近的作品为我们提供了现代传记的新范例。For now, she is content to bask in her new-found fame.目前,她心满意足地沉浸在新近成名的喜悦中。Sneed had circulated a letter round the department explaining the new pay cuts.斯尼德在部门里传阅过一封信,解释新近的减薪计划。He is a recent arrival in this city.他是新近来本市的人。Older workers are being supplanted by recent college graduates.新近毕业的大学生正在取代年龄较大的员工。There are reports of fresh troop movements across the border.有报告说,新近有军队越过边境。The new modifications made it the finest of aircraft.一番新近的改进使它成了一架最精良的飞机。Scholars were contemptuous of the theory until recent scientific developments proved it possible.学者们对这一理论不屑一顾,直到新近的科学发展证明其是有可能的。His recently completed chapel is attracting favourable comment.新近设计竣工的小教堂正得到人们的称赞。He set up practice in Melbourne and wrote a guidebook for other migrants.他在墨尔本开业,还为其他新近移居澳大利亚的人写了一本指南。Migrant women are paid a fraction of men's wages.新近移民(到澳大利亚)的女性的工资比男性要少很多。The police are trying to tie up the murder with the recent escape from prison.警方正在设法证明这起谋杀案和新近发生的越狱事件有关。 New claims for unemployment benefits remain low.新近领取失业救济金的人仍然不多。He is struggling to overcome the latest setbacks.他正努力战胜新近遇到的挫折。Hollywood's hottest new actress好莱坞新近最红的女演员She was newly an M.D., doing her internship.新近取得医学博士学位,正在做实习医师。Have you seen the new docusoap about driving instructors?你看没看新近播出的驾驶教练真人秀节目?The program helps people recently released from prison figure out how they can play a constructive role in society.这一计划帮助新近的刑满释放人员明白他们如何能在社会中发挥积极作用。The original results conflict with more recent findings.最初的结果与新近的研究结果相矛盾。No one will fail to relish his recent novel.谁也不会不欣赏他新近发表的长篇小说的。The plant is a recent introduction from Asia.这种植物是新近从亚洲引进的。She rejoiced in her new-found independence.她因新近才获得的独立人格而高兴。He wore short sleeves, exhibiting his new tattoo.他穿着短袖,炫耀新近刺的纹身。She has recently launched her new ready-to-wear collection.新近发布了自己的新成衣系列。The engine has been greatly improved in later models.新近型号的引擎作了很大的改进。English has been newly exported to that area.英语新近传入那个地区。Her dress is a recent importation from France.她的衣服是新近从法国来的进口货。Mr Chandler is now director of the company's newly formed publishing division.钱德勒先生现在是新近成立的出版部的经理。I am writing with regard to your recent order.我就您新近的订单向您致函。The report was written by a recently appointed judge, the Hon. Mr Justice Carlton.这份报告是由新近任命的尊敬的卡尔顿法官撰写的。Karpati had recently risen to prominence in the communist party.卡帕蒂新近在共产党中跻身于显要地位。Trade union membership was virtually outlawed under the newly introduced legislation.根据新近推行的法律,工会成员身份实际上变成非法的了。He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree.他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems.他依然自信如初,似乎没有被新近的问题所困扰。The Art Society is holding an exhibition of recent acquisitions.艺术协会在为新近购得的艺术品举办展览。He was enjoying his new-found fame.新近赢得了声誉。Our team's recent losses have rubbed some of the shine off our earlier victories.我队新近的失利使我们先前获得的胜利略为减色。Airlines are plugging two fairly recent innovations.各航空公司正为新近问世的两项革新大做广告。




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