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The new building conforms with the old-blending-with-new character of the city.新大楼和该市新旧合璧的风格很匹配。Darwin's theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.达尔文的进化论是划分新旧思维方式的分水岭。There are many boats, new and used, for sale.有很多新旧不一的船待售。The town has an odd mix of old and new buildings.该镇是新旧建筑的古怪组合。We're working with a mixed bag of old and new ideas.我们运用各种新旧理念工作。The town is a mixture of the old and the new.这座城镇新旧结合。The band played a good mix of the old and the new.乐队演奏了一段很好听的新旧歌曲串烧。He found himself staring at an extraordinary architectural confection of old and new.他发现自己正盯着一座新旧结合的奇特花哨建筑。 |