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词汇 斯坦
例句 Customers complained that their duty-free Bacardi had gone AWOL somewhere between Stansted and Faliraki.有顾客投诉说他们买的免税百加得酒在斯坦斯特德到法里拉基的途中不见了。The waters off Stanwell Park are boiling with yellowfin tuna.斯坦威尔公园外的水域里,黄鳍金枪鱼翻腾跳跃。Stein shook his head slowly, negatively.斯坦慢慢地摇头否定。Stan Laurel appeared in many comedies with his co-star Oliver Hardy.斯坦·劳雷尔和他的搭档奥利弗·哈迪联袂主演了许多喜剧片。Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan.希拉想帮助斯坦是另有所图。Stan put a finger to his mouth, miming 'shush'.斯坦把手指放在嘴边,比划着示意安静。Stan was doing a Master's at Harvard, and bound for a career in finance.斯坦在哈佛大学攻读硕士,将来很有可能要从事金融业。Stan was intellectual, confident and above all, his own man.斯坦这人聪明自信,最主要的是很有主见。When Thatcher was gone, Stein prowled the empty house.撒切尔走了后,斯坦在空房子里悄悄搜寻。Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.芬克尔斯坦小姐会为你包扎拇指的。When Stan died, I missed his companionship.斯坦死后,我怀念我们的友情。Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.斯坦·迪安坐在门口,他那顶奇形怪状的帽子一下子就让人认出他来。In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein.美国向那个独裁者提供武装支持,这是在造就一个弗兰肯斯坦,将威胁到美国自己。Stan had been brought up to believe that a man should work to support his wife.斯坦从小受到的教育使他相信男人应该工作挣钱养老婆。Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.斯坦最初想进医学院。The room was dark, and Stan nearly fell over a chair as he stumbled to the phone.房间里很黑,斯坦跌跌撞撞地走向电话,差点被一把椅子绊倒。Stan thought doing that kind of thing below him.斯坦认为做那种事有失自己的身分。Once our chat is over, Stein's PR lets us go off alone together.我们的谈话一结束,斯坦的公关人员就让我们一起单独离开。Stan is an old friend of mine.斯坦是我的一位老朋友。In the book, Strayhorn comes across as a sympathetic human being, while Stan Getz emerges as a volatile character with a violent temper.在书中,斯特霍恩好像是个有同情心的人,而斯坦·盖茨则显得脾气暴躁,喜怒无常。Stan has some of the early signs of heart disease.斯坦有心脏病的一些早期症状。Stansfield would never have knowingly become involved in political espionage.斯坦斯菲尔德要是知情就决不会涉入政治间谍活动。Mr Finkelstein grounded his kids after they were caught fighting at school.孩子们在学校打架被人捉住以后,芬克尔斯坦先生就罚他们不许出去。Stein's easygoing manner is only one of the reasons he will be missed when he retires.斯坦那随和的举止不过是他退休后大家会思念他的原因之Stan's such a picky eater; it's impossible to know what to cook for him.斯坦很挑食,真不知道给他烧什么菜好。Stan Reilly is not really one of your typical Brighton Boys.斯坦·赖利其实并不是那种典型的布赖顿男孩。Stein eloquently describes the pain of losing someone you love.斯坦传神地描述了失去心爱的人的痛苦感觉。Stein was expressing the view of many fellow war veterans.斯坦表达的是许多参加过战争的老兵同胞的心声。Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside.斯坦把装了钱的纸袋卷了起来。Stan had been an excellent tennis player in his prime.斯坦在壮年的时候曾经是出色的网球选手。Flights from Stansted Airport were cancelled owing to bad weather.斯坦斯特德机场起飞的航班因天气恶劣被取消了。Stan grew two inches in six months.斯坦在六个月里长高了两英寸。Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad.斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。If you think Stan would be willing to look after the kids, put his name down.如果你认为斯坦会愿意照顾孩子,就把他的名字写上吧。His son's death was the most traumatic event in Stan's life.儿子的死是斯坦一生中最大的创伤。Stan grabbed her hands and pulled her clear.斯坦抓住她的手,想把她拖走。Dracula, Frankenstein, and every horrible monster you could think of.德拉库拉、弗兰肯斯坦以及你能想到的任何恐怖的怪物。I nudged Stan and pointed again.我轻轻推了推斯坦,又指了一下。Stan has fired me before. I usually take no notice and turn up for work again the next day.斯坦以前也炒过我鱿鱼。我一般是不予理睬,第二天照常去上班。If memory served her, his name was Stan.如果她没记错的话,他的名字是斯坦




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