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词汇 断裂
例句 The excess weight caused the bolt to shear off.超重导致螺栓断裂The handle is liable to break.这个把手很容易断裂When the rope snapped, Davis fell into the water.当绳子啪的一声断裂时,戴维斯掉进了水里。The piece of plaster broke off easily.石膏块很容易断裂The pedal had sheared off at the pivot.踏板在枢轴处断裂了。The break occurred at a weak point in the bone.断裂发生在这块骨头脆弱的地方。Doctors set her broken leg last week.医生上周给她接上了断裂的腿骨。The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.巨大的压力造成了岩石断裂The earthquake cracked walls and driveways and knocked out electricity and communications.这场地震使墙壁和车道断裂,电力及通讯也中断了。He was running at full speed when a tendon snapped in his leg.他正全速奔跑时,腿部的一条肌腱断裂了。Investigators are not sure what caused the plane to break into pieces and plunge into the ocean.调查人员不清楚是什么原因导致这架飞机断裂并栽入海中。The heavy weight caused the rope to yield.巨大的重量导致绳索断裂The branch split under their weight.树枝受到重压断裂了。There was a sickening sound of tearing metal.传来一声可怕的金属断裂声。The ship hit a rock and split in two.轮船触礁后,断裂成了两截。The roof sagged at one corner, where the ceiling beams had snapped with rot.在吊顶梁腐烂断裂的那个角处屋顶塌陷了下来。There was a splintering sound as the railing gave way.围栏倒下时发出了断裂的声音。The crash was caused by a broken rail.撞车事故是一条断裂的铁轨引起的。The bone in her leg broke in two places.她的一根腿骨有两处断裂It was not yet clear how the rudder had sheared off.还不清楚船舵是如何断裂的。He noticed that fabric was tearing away from the plane's wing.他注意到机翼在一块一块地断裂The tail broke apart, sending the plane into a dive.机尾断裂,使飞机一头栽了下去。A chain will break at its weakest link.链条会在最薄弱的地方断裂The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.这种热水瓶瓶身坚固,不会轻易断裂破碎。A broken propeller had crippled the ship.螺旋桨断裂后这只船就动不了了。Constant friction caused the rope to break.不断的摩擦使绳子断裂The aircraft's wings were sheared off in the crash.机翼在坠机时断裂了。The doctor was worried that the broken rib might puncture the woman's lung.医生担心那女人断裂的肋骨可能会刺入她的肺。The drainage of the town is not good, some of the pipes are broken.城里的排水系统不好,有些水管断裂了。This metal will not crack under heavy pressure.这种金属在重压之下不会断裂If there is too much strain on the cables they will snap.钢缆承受的拉力过大就会断裂Some trains were so overloaded that their suspension collapsed.一些列车严重超载,结果悬架都断裂了。He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments.为了让他断裂的韧带愈合,他的膝盖必须动一次大手术。The carriage at the end of the train was left stranded when the coupling broke.车钩断裂后火车尾部的客车厢被孤零零地抛在后面。The path's stone slabs were worn and broken.小路上的石板已经磨蚀、断裂了。The top shelf broke and books showered down.顶层架子断裂了,书纷纷掉落下来。The branch suddenly gave beneath him.他身下的树枝突然断裂Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。




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