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词汇 coerced
例句 Soldiers coerced the residents into giving them food.士兵强迫居民给他们提供食物。He was coerced into signing the confession.他受到胁迫,在认罪书上签了字。Ray withdrew his confession, saying that he had been coerced by the police.雷收回了自己的供词,说是被警察逼供的。The singer was coerced into a contract with the record company.那名歌手被胁迫与唱片公司签约。The judge found he had been coerced by his employer.法官发现他是被雇主强迫的。Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates.官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt.他称自己是被逼承认有罪的。The mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely.矿主威胁要关闭全部矿井,迫使工人复工。The rebels coerced the villagers into hiding them from the army.叛乱者强迫村民们将他们隐藏起来,以逃脱军队的搜捕。Potter had argued that the government coerced him into pleading guilty.波特辩称是政府强迫他认罪的。A confession was coerced from the suspect by police.嫌疑犯在警方的胁迫下认了罪。




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