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例句 People have fought with each other since the dawn of history/time/civilization.人类早在历史/时代/文明之始,就已开始了彼此争斗。Yesterday's testimony began on a note of passionate but civilized disagreement.昨天的作供是在激烈但文明地表达分歧的氛围中开始的。These villages are the last surviving remnants of a great civilization.这些村庄是一个伟大文明最后的遗存。The book takes a rather narrow view of what we mean by civilization.这本书对于我们所指的文明采取了一种非常狭隘的观点。The Song dynasty contributed three inventions to world civilization.宋朝为世界文明作出了三大发明的贡献。Indonesian civilization is an extreme mixture of races, religions, and cultures.印度尼西亚文明是种族、宗教和文化的高度融合。When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe.当一个部落遭遇文明,首先被践踏脚下的是该部落的宗教信仰。Mali is the cradle of some of Africa's richest civilizations.马里是非洲一些最悠久的文明的发祥地。The country isn't a backward graveyard, but a place that once had ancient civilization.这并不是一个落后又死气沉沉的国度,它曾有过古老的文明Slums are a reproach to civilization.贫民窟是文明的耻辱。When the individual is made the judge, jury and executioner of whomsoever displeases him, what becomes of law, of order, of civilization?当一个人成了那个冒犯了他的人的法官、陪审员、和死刑执行者时,还会有什么法律、章程、和文明This latest art exhibition is an outrage against all civilized standards of behaviour.最近的这次艺术展览是对所有文明行为标准的一种践踏。Civilization is not to wither or petrify.文明不会消亡,不会僵死。I think any sport involving animals where the animals do not have a choice is barbaric and uncivilized.我认为任何有动物参与其中并且它们别无选择的运动都是野蛮的、不文明的。Such words are excluded from polite conversation.这些语词在文明谈话中是不能使用的。Governments come and go, but civilization marches on.政权不断地更迭,但文明一直在延续。Canada was completely stunned by the shooting, for it thinks of itself as a peaceful, gentle nation.加拿大举国上下对这次枪击事件极为震惊,因为它一向认为自己是一个和平、文明的国家。A great civilization fell in less than a century.一个伟大的文明不到一个世纪就衰亡了。Pushing people aside to get on a bus is a sample of his bad manners.推开别人挤上公共汽车是他行为不文明的一例。Stone age civilization, veiled in mystery as it is, has provided the greatest challenge to historians.石器时代的文明仍披着一层神秘的面纱,对历史学家来说是极大的挑战。These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves.当欧洲人还未开化住在山洞里的时候,这些文明已经处在发达的时期。The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare.这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。They ventured far beyond the limits of civilization.他们的冒险远远超出了文明的界限。Egypt as the granary of the ancient world作为古代世界文明主要发源地的埃及They did not expect the invaders to lay waste to their civilization.他们没有料到侵略者会破坏他们的文明She argues that a civil society takes care of its weakest members.她认为一个文明的社会应对它最弱势的群体给予关心照顾。The civilization collapsed for reasons that are still unknown.这一文明瓦解的原因现在仍不清楚。An enlightened capital should have a museum.一个文明首都应当有一所博物馆。If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization.如果我们浪费矿物燃料,我们就威胁文明Throughout history, centralisation, civilisation and progress have marched together.在整个历史中,中央集权、文明与发展一直并驾齐驱。The two civilizations were perpetually at war.两种文明不断交战。To start with, our civilization is older than yours. And how! We've been around since the beginning of recorded time.首先,我们的文明比你们的悠久,不仅如此,我们的文明打从有历史记载的时候起就开始了。Baghdad, the cradle of civilization巴格达,文明的摇篮An eye for an eye is no way to run a civilised justice system.文明的司法系统不允许以眼还眼、以牙还牙的行为。Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.更擅长贸易的文明见证了其财富的随之增长。The book explores the relationship between religion and civilization.本书探讨了宗教和文明的关系。The line between civilization and barbarism is a very thin one.文明与野蛮之间仅一线之隔。They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies.他们在想办法播放文明、健康、内容得体的电影。A child should be exposed to culture at an early age.孩子应在幼龄就受文明的熏陶。Could this be the end of civilization as we know it?这会是我们现在所知道的文明的终结吗?




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