例句 |
Find out the name of the file, key it in, and it will appear on the screen找出文件名,用键盘输入后就会显示在屏幕上。I've forgotten the file name.我忘记了文件名。The filename is a series of concatenated words with no spaces.文件名是一串单词连接在一起,之间没有空格。Did you click on the icon next to the name of the file?你点击文件名旁边的图标了吗?Click here, and a list of files will pop up.点击这里,文件名的清单就会弹出来。The only way I can get round this is to click "save as" and use a different filename.解决这个问题的唯一方法是点击“另存为”然后使用一个不同的文件名。Take care to label all the disks with the correct file names.在所有磁盘上小心贴好标有正确文件名的标签。 |