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词汇 整个国家
例句 They drove across the country from California to New York.他们驾车从加利福尼亚到纽约,横穿了整个国家A sense of doom hung over the entire country.整个国家都笼罩在厄运降临的气氛之中。The nation was deep in gloom.整个国家陷入了深深的悲伤之中。You can receive broadband over virtually the whole country.几乎整个国家都能接收到宽带传输信号。They drove across country.他们开车横跨整个国家The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.几个月来,整个国家一直处于政治动荡状态。The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.整个国家都曾试图将那段独裁历史从记忆中抹去。When the winter Olympics came to Canada, the whole country was flying high.当加拿大成为冬奥会的主办国时,整个国家都兴奋极了。His policies might please the little Englanders but they would be a disaster for the country as a whole.他的政策也许会讨好英格兰本土主义者,但是对整个国家来说却将是一场灾难。We hopscotched across the country.我们横跨了整个国家The country, they say, will inevitably now plunge headlong into decadence.他们说,现在整个国家会不可避免地一头陷入衰退中。There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country.整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。The village is a microcosm of the whole country.这个村庄是整个国家的缩影。A national government must balance the needs of individuals with/against the needs of the entire country.一国政府必须权衡个人需求和整个国家的需求。A nuclear bomb could wipe the whole country off the map.一枚核弹可以毁掉整个国家As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.我们整个国家对垃圾食品的消费量十分惊人。The incident is a vivid illustration of the hysteria currently gripping the nation.这一事件清楚地展现了正弥漫整个国家的歇斯底里情绪。The whole of the country has been taken over and destroyed by warring factions.全国各地都被占领,派系混战摧毁了整个国家This situation is a scandal and a reproach to the entire country.这样的情形是整个国家的丑闻和耻辱。The entire country has been engulfed by chaos/crisis/violence.整个国家陷入了混乱/危机/暴力。A railway strike would have paralysed the country.一次铁路工人大罢工会使整个国家陷入瘫痪。There has been increased economic specialization throughout the country.整个国家经济专门化的程度越来越高。It means that their whole army will mobilize.这意味着他们整个国家的军队都要动员起来。The nation was structured as a federation of states.整个国家形成了州联邦的体系。The whole country was reduced after three months.整个国家三个月后沦陷。The president said that his country deeply regretted the incident.总统称整个国家都对这一事件深表遗憾。The mood of the country/city was grim.整个国家/城市的气氛是令人沮丧的。The whole country seems to be affected by the ennui of winter.冬天的倦怠似乎影响着整个国家The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left- and right-wing groups.整个国家分化成了完全对立的左翼和右翼两大派。The fuel shortage brought the country to its knees within weeks.燃料短缺使整个国家在几周内陷入了瘫痪。He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。The little small-town banks were traditionally very frightened that Wall Street would come to dominate the whole country.偏狭守旧的小银行通常都很害怕华尔街会控制整个国家It seems the whole country is getting ready to welcome the visiting president.似乎整个国家都在为欢迎来访的总统作准备。Gambling and tourism pay roughly half the entire state budget.博彩业和旅游业支撑着整个国家约一半的财政预算。They are trying to end the political paralysis that has been gripping the country.他们正试图结束一直笼罩整个国家的政治瘫痪。




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