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词汇 数量
例句 Increasing the number of patrol cars on the street has not had any effect on the level of serious crime.增加街上巡逻车的数量对于严重犯罪的数量没有丝毫影响。The agency flushed out a surprising number of tax evaders.调查机构揪出了数量惊人的逃税者。The number of teardowns has an impact on the look and feel of a place.待拆房屋的数量影响着一个地方的容貌和给人的感觉。The number of children in care in Oxfordshire is falling.牛津郡受监护儿童的数量正在下降。There's been a record number of complaints about the standard of service on Britain's railways.对英国铁路服务水平的投诉数量创下新高。There is no exact record of the number of accidents.没有事故数量的准确记录。Animals would produce more young in the wild than they do in the zoo.动物在野生环境中的产崽数量要比在动物园里多。The new law limits the number of foreign cars that can be imported.这条新的法规限制了外国汽车的进口数量The number of cars on our roads rose dramatically last year.去年道路上的汽车数量剧增。An unknown number of cases go unreported.数量不清的案件没有人报案。Despite being outnumbered, they managed to fight back bravely.尽管数量上处于劣势,他们仍英勇地进行还击。If one could quantify joy, it is likely that for me it would be a new car.如果能用数量来表示欢欣,那末我的标准可能是一辆新车。The number of cars which are stolen every year has risen.每年失窃车辆的数量在上升。She wrote a truly prodigious number of novels.她写了数量极多的小说。There will be fewer hospitals but they will be adequately resourced.医院数量将减少,但会得到充分的资金保障。The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.近年来建筑行业致命事故的数量大幅下降。Over the years they have sold records by the bucketful.几年来,他们卖出的唱片数量巨大。The graph shows that the number of working mothers is increasing.图表显示有工作的母亲数量在增加。Votes cast for each candidate will be totalled.将合计投给每位候选人的选票数量There weren't anywhere near enough empty boxes.空箱子数量远远不够。They had badly underestimated how many lifeboats would be needed.他们严重低估了所需的救生艇的数量We were heavily outnumbered by an enemy that was much better armed and equipped.敌人的数量比我们多得多,武器装备也远远好于我们。The president is discussing how quickly we should draw down our troops in the area.总统正在讨论我们减少这一地区的军队数量的速度。In recent years these graceful birds have been seen again in increasing numbers.近年来这些漂亮的鸟儿再次出现,数量也越来越多。Spending is paralleled by an increase in the number of loans given.消费和发放贷款的数量同时增长。The government imposed a ceiling on imports of foreign cars.政府对进口外国汽车的数量规定了上限。The figures show evidence that murders in the nation's capital are beginning to level off.数据表明,该国首都谋杀案件的数量开始趋于稳定。The cats help to keep down the rats.猫有助于控制老鼠的数量The countries supplying these products have been, in descending order, the United States, Germany, Japan....提供这些产品的国家,按数量多寡为序,为美国、德国、日本…They put quality after quantity. 相对于质量,他们更加关注数量The new drink-driving campaign comes after a rise in accident figures.随着公路交通事故数量的上升,人们发起了新一轮反对酒驾的运动。The various species differ mainly in size and abundance.各种物种主要在规模和数量上有所不同。The number of nations that possess nuclear weapons has risen.拥有核武器的国家数量增多了。This policy has led to a dramatic increase in our prison populations.这项政策导致监狱服刑人员数量剧增。Although the recovery is patchy, passenger numbers are growing.虽然经济尚未完全复苏,但是乘客数量正在增长。There's been a fall in the number of young people entering the labour market.进入劳动力市场的年轻人数量有所下降。The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.私宅可用房间数量的增加对住宿空间的普遍短缺起到了缓解作用。It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.在我看来,减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约。So we know that there will be fewer distributors. Many moms-and-pops will die.由此我们知道分销商的数量将会减少,许多夫妻老婆店将随之消失。They put quantity before quality. 他们重数量轻质量。




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