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词汇 数小时
例句 After hours of hard bargaining, they came to an agreement.经过数小时的艰难谈判,他们终于达成了一项协议。She spent hours practising the breast stroke.她花了数小时练习蛙泳。Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a soul-destroying experience.到职业介绍所去并在那里等上数小时会令人感到非常沮丧。These myriads of fish would be enough to keep any swimmer entranced for hours.这些不同种类的鱼足以让任何一个游泳者数小时流连忘返。After several hours of debate, the opposition finally gave way. 经过数小时辩论,对手最终屈服了。Andy shuts himself away in his studio for hours on end when he's recording a song.安迪录歌时会把自己关在录音室达数小时He spends hours practising his swing.他用了数小时练习挥杆击球动作。He spent hours sifting through all the documents relating to the case.他花了数小时仔细审阅与该案件有关的所有文件。We had to wait for hours in the pouring rain.我们不得不在瓢泼大雨中等了数小时The article warns parents against plopping their toddlers in front of the TV for hours on end.那篇文章告诫父母不要随意把刚学会走路的孩子连续数小时放在电视机前。After hours of fierce fighting, rebels broke through and captured the capital.经过数小时的激烈战斗,叛军突破防线,占领了首都。He returned home several hours later.数小时后他回家了。We rode the bike trails for hours.我们连续数小时在自行车道上骑行。It took several hours for the police to regain control after a demonstration in the city centre turned violent.市中心的示威游行变成暴乱后,警方花了数小时再次控制局势。After hours of talks the government and the union have reached an agreement.经过数小时的谈判,政府与工会达成了协议。He was buried under the debris for several hours.他在瓦砾底下埋了数小时If water has been standing in pipework for some hours it may have a metallic taste.如果水在管道系统中滞留数小时,便会带有金属味道。She spends hours every day just surfing the Net.她每天花数小时时间在网上冲浪。The damage would cause the road to be closed off for hours.损坏将会导致道路关闭数小时After hours of review, the committee made its decision.经过数小时审核,委员会做出了决定。They made us march for hours.他们让我们行军数小时The male will sometimes court the female for hours.有时雄性要花数小时求偶。The Prime Minister faces anxious hours before the votes are counted tomorrow night.在明晚计票完成之前,首相将面临数小时的煎熬等待。He spent hours poring over the statistics.他花了数小时钻研这些统计数据。The two sides finally came to an agreement/understanding after many hours of discussion.经过长达数小时的讨论,双方终于达成协议/共识。Swimming necessarily involves long hours of strenuous training.游泳势必要进行一连数小时的艰苦训练。The two sides exchanged artillery, rocket and machine-gun fire for several hours.双方用大炮、火箭弹和机枪持续交火数小时Adherents spend hours in meditation.信徒们花数小时冥想。We spent several anxious hours glued to the phone as we waited for news of her condition.我们焦急地在电话边守候了数小时,等待她的病情消息。She spent several hours plowing through the paperwork on her desk.她花了数小时一点点处理完堆在桌上的全部文件。A misty rain in the morning had left behind a coolness that would stay for hours.早上,蒙蒙细雨带来一股清凉之意,数小时不散。Several hours later, the meeting drew to a close and the board members filed out of the room.数小时后会议结束,董事会成员从会议室里鱼贯而出。They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm.他们在一起坐了数小时,讨论自己创办公司的利弊。This type of calculation would take several hours without a computer.如果没有电脑,这类运算要花费数小时The accident snarled up traffic for hours.事故使交通堵塞数小时After hours of discussion, the project finally began to materialize.经过数小时的讨论,项目最终开始成形。Starch is absorbed more slowly, giving a sustained pick-up hour after hour.淀粉被吸收的更慢些,能让人持续数小时精神振奋。The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.猎人们花费数小时追捕猎物。They spent hours around the negotiating table.他们花了数小时进行谈判。I saw stars for hours after the bike accident.脚踏车车祸后数小时我都头部晕眩,眼冒金星。




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