例句 |
Cushions were scattered about on the chairs.垫子散放在椅子上。Books and papers were scattered haphazardly on the desk.书桌上随意散放着书和文件。There were a few books here and there, but apart from that the room was quite bare.房间里散放着几本书,但除此之外几乎没有什么东西。All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table.厨房的桌子上散放着各式各样的食品。There were old record covers scattered all over the floor.地板上到处散放着旧的唱片封套。There were books scattered all about their cottage.他们的小屋里到处都散放着书。Colourful cushions were scattered around.五颜六色的坐垫四下散放着。 |