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词汇 教堂
例句 There are many beautiful Norman churches in this part of England. Iffley church is a good example.英格兰的这一地区有许多漂亮的诺曼式教堂,伊费雷教堂就是个好的例子。He was buried in the churchyard of St Mary's.他被安葬在圣玛丽教堂的墓地里。The church bells tolled the hour.教堂鸣钟报时。Guests were beginning to trickle into the church.客人们开始陆陆续续进入教堂Church bells rang out across the land.教堂的钟声响彻大地。The church has several valuable works of art.教堂有几件珍贵的艺术品。The church is unsafe because it was built on an overhang.这座教堂不安全,因为它建在一块悬伸的岩石上。The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.教堂供奉的是贝克的圣玛丽。The church stood in a small cluster of houses.教堂位于一小片住宅中间。Were you baptized a Catholic?你是在天主教教堂受洗的吗?A little later the church bell clanged.过了一小会儿,教堂的钟当当地敲响了。The nuptials will take place in the nearby church.婚礼将在附近的教堂举行。The window offered me a head-on view of the church.教堂的前景透过这扇窗呈现在我面前。The grey light was hard on the eyes after the candlelit church.从烛光闪烁的教堂出来后乍看到灰色的灯光让人觉得刺眼。They bought a small lot behind the church.他们买下了教堂后面的一小块地。They built the church on the edge of the village.他们把教堂建在了村边。Tintern Abbey is noted for its majestic arches, fine doorways and elegant windows.廷特恩教堂以其庄严的拱门、精美的门道和高雅的窗户而闻名。The chapel has some interesting works in wood and marble.教堂里有一些引人注目的木质和大理石结构。Continue down the same road for another 2 kilometres until you reach the church of Santa Maria.沿同一条路再往前走两公里,直至到达圣马丽亚教堂The church is a haven of peace in one of London's busiest areas.在这个伦敦最繁华的地段之一,这座教堂是一个宁静的去处。The church has been threatened with demolition for years.这座教堂多年来一直面临被拆毁的危险。There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.教堂后面传来了婴儿的啼哭声。Postcards and souvenirs were being sold outside the cathedral.教堂外面有明信片和纪念品出售。The church was built entirely of brick.这座教堂全部用砖建成。Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house.每个村庄都有一片绿地、一座教堂、一间酒馆和一座庄园宅第。The church tower on the top of the cliff has been a landmark for sailors for centuries.悬崖顶上的教堂钟楼几个世纪以来一直是指引水手的陆标。The exterior of Durham cathedral is one of the most magnificent in England.达勒姆教堂外观宏伟,是英格兰的名胜之一。The Prince's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul's.王子竟然痊愈了,为此在圣保罗教堂举办了一场感恩仪式以示庆祝。The church is acoustically perfect.这座教堂收音效果极佳。There's an interesting organ in the church.教堂里有一架引人注目的管风琴。Many homes and churches of the antebellum South can still be visited today.在美国南部,许多南北战争之前修建的民宅和教堂现在仍可接待游人参观。All the church bells tolled his knell in a quivering, melancholy tintinnabulation.所有教堂的钟都颤动着为他鸣响了哀伤的丁当丧钟声。The bomb destroyed a police station and badly damaged a church.炸弹摧毁了一处警察局,并使一座教堂严重受损。This church is a perfect example of medieval architecture.这座教堂是中世纪建筑的完美典范。Mary visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.玛丽想象自己结婚那天挽着父亲的手臂行走在教堂通道上。Architecturally, these churches reflected the impact of the Renaissance.从建筑风格来看,这些教堂受到了文艺复兴的影响。Over the years the church has fallen into a state of neglect.多年来这座教堂已沦落到无人照管的地步。A church steeple stuck up above the roofs of the surrounding cottages.教堂的尖塔耸立在周围小屋的屋顶之上。The church stood on top of a hill.教堂坐落在小山顶上。No one would dream of straightening out the knobbly spire at Empingham Church.谁都无法将埃姆平汉教堂疙瘩嶙峋的尖顶弄直。




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