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词汇 cobbled
例句 In days of old, knights in coats of mail roamed the cobbled streets of this town.从前,穿着铠甲的骑士漫步在城里由鹅卵石铺成的街道上。The speech was cobbled together from papers and lectures.这个演讲是由一些论文和讲义拼凑而成的。The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.这个组合整过几首像样的歌。Cottrell strode out across the cobbled courtyard.科特雷尔穿过铺着鹅卵石的院子大步走出来。We cobbled together a proposal to put before the committee.我们匆匆忙忙凑了个提议呈委员会议决。Cuzco's few tourists are conspicuous as they explore the old cobbled streets.库斯科那寥寥可数的游客在铺着鹅卵石的旧街道上闲逛,很惹人注目。The diplomats cobbled an agreement together.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份合约。A long cobbled street bisects the town from east to west.一条长长的鹅卵石街道把镇子分为东西两半。The place is a cobbled triangle.那地方是一块铺石子的三角地。A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.一段石阶从鹅卵石路上一直向上直通城墙。The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.这个组合胡乱拼凑出了几首还不错的歌曲。A compromise has been cobbled together.一项妥协方案草率地达成了。The thunder rumbled like a wooden cart on a cobbled road.雷声隆隆作响,好像一辆木马车走在鹅卵石路上。The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜六色的花朵。With its narrow cobbled streets and gabled houses, Bruges must be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.布鲁日拥有狭窄的鹅卵石街道和有着山墙的房屋,一定是欧洲最美的城市之一。They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.他们穿过拱门走进铺着鹅卵石的院子。




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