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词汇 age-old
例句 They bid fair to blur the age-old distinction between internal medicine and surgery.他们可能把久已存在的内外科医学之间的区别搞模糊了。My grandfather has many age-old stories.我祖父有许多古老的故事。Imitation is an age-old problem for businesses but fighting it has not got any easier.产品仿制是企业面临的老问题,但反仿制斗争依旧艰难。This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.这场由来已久的对控制权的争夺已导致了无数血腥的战争。The locals get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive.当地人每年都聚到一块儿,使他们古老的传统传承不息。White resistance to Civil Rights was founded on age-old fears of democracy.白人对公民权的抵制来源于他们多年来对民主的恐惧。The vine is an age-old symbol of peace and prosperity.葡萄藤是个由来已久的象征和平与繁荣的标志。China has long awakened from her age-old isolation.中国早已从长期与世隔绝的状态中觉醒过来。We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others.我们只能努力坚守那些古老的价值观:诚实、正派、关心他人。Whites have been forced by people of colour to question age-old racist assumptions.白人受到广大有色人种的压力,不得不质疑由来已久的种族主义傲慢臆断。Visitors can experience the magic of age-old traditions and historical sites.参观者可以亲身感受到古老传统和历史古迹的魅力。




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