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词汇 故事发生
例句 The story takes a strange twist.故事发生了奇崛的转折。The story is set in an imaginary world.故事发生在一个虚构的世界中。The story takes place in an enchanted forest.故事发生在一个被施了魔法的森林里。Verona is best known as the setting for two of Shakespeare's plays.维罗纳最出名的就是它是莎士比亚两部剧作中的故事发生地。Our story takes place in a far-off land, long, long ago.我们的故事发生在很久很久以前的一个遥远的国度。When and where does the story take place?故事发生在何时何地? The setting is the antebellum plantation in springtime.故事发生在南北战争前一个春天的种植园。The novel was set in a small town in France.这部小说的故事发生在法国的一个小镇。The story took place on a drowsy summer afternoon.这个故事发生在一个令人昏昏欲睡的夏日午后。The first scene established the period.第一场设定了故事发生的时期。First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing.首先,我们来描述一下故事发生的背景——那是一个漆黑的夜晚,下着雨,狂风呼啸。The action takes place in London.故事发生在伦敦。The story takes place on the down-and-dirty streets of the city.故事发生在城里肮脏破旧的街上。The film is set in a night club and intercut with images of gangland London.电影的故事发生在一家夜总会内,其中不断穿插伦敦黑社会的镜头。The story happened one thousand years ago.故事发生在一千年以前。The scene of Hamlet is Denmark.《哈姆雷特》的故事发生在丹麦。The movie is set in a New England school.该片故事发生在新英格兰的一所学校里。




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