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Draskovic has emerged as the strongest challenger to the leader of the Serbian government.德拉什科维奇一跃成为塞尔维亚政府领导人最大的挑战者。Costa Rica is often mentioned as an example of what countries can accomplish under stable, democratic governments.说到一个国家在稳定、民主的政府领导之下可以成就多少事业,经常都是拿哥斯达黎加作为例子。Government leaders have shifted their ground on drugs, announcing their willingness to decriminalize cannabis.政府领导人已经改变了对毒品的立场,宣布他们愿意使大麻合法化。This government has presided over some of the most significant changes in education this century.本届政府领导了本世纪教育方面的一些最重大的变革。 |