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词汇 放火
例句 A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.可能是有人故意放火掩护小规模的部队协同行动。Vandals set fire to an empty warehouse near the docks last night.昨夜破坏公物者放火将码头附近的一个空仓库烧毁了。Whoever started the fire must be sick in the head.放火的人肯定是脑子有病。Enemy soldiers set the building alight.敌军放火点燃了这栋大楼。The burglars started the fire as a decoy so that they could escape from police.窃贼放火以转移视线,使他们能逃脱警察的追捕。Rioters armed with firebombs set light to police barricades.持有燃烧弹的暴徒放火点燃了警察设置的路障。He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to a pile of papers.放火点燃了一堆报纸,妄图烧毁学校。The rioters set fires and looted with impunity.暴徒们放火、抢劫,却未受惩罚。The invaders looted, burned houses and committed other excesses as they marched through the countryside.侵略军穿过乡村地区时劫掠放火,并犯有其他残暴罪行。Jones suffered only minor burns when her house was set ablaze last week.琼斯家上周被人放火,她只是轻微烧伤。The clinic was set afire.诊所被人放火了。The fire was started to create a diversion, allowing some prisoners to escape.放火是为了转移人们的注意力,让一些囚犯越狱。The first time his parents left him alone in the house, he set fire to the kitchen.父母第一次把他单独留在家里的时候,他放火把厨房烧起来了。




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