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词汇 改革者
例句 Prison reformers are trying to strike a balance between punishing offenders and helping them to avoid repeating their offences.监狱制度的改革者试图在惩办犯人和帮助他们不再重犯这两者之间掌握好平衡。Health concerns were a secondary consideration to the reformers.医疗卫生问题对于改革者来说是次要的考虑因素。The mayor was criticized by radical reformers for his indecisiveness.市长因优柔寡断而受到了激进改革者的批评。Radical reformers are once more in the ascendant.激进的改革者再次占据上风。He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes.他谴责他称为幼稚愚蠢的改革者鼓吹不缴纳税款。He had projected himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。Your argument presupposes that Dickens was a social reformer.你这个论点的前提是: 狄更斯是一位社会改革者I think the reformers have at times oversold the reforms.我认为改革者有时过分吹嘘了改革的好处。He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.他是个著名的激进改革者/思想家/政治家。Reformers expect opposition to the changes they urge.改革者预计他们所极力主张的变革会遭到反对。Aren't you afraid of being seen as a righteous crusader?.你不怕被人看作是一个装腔作势的改革者The health care proposal holds the middle ground, and reformers hope it will gain support.这项有关医疗保健的提议持的是中间立场,改革者希望它会得到支持。It would be no exaggeration to say that there has been a total lack of system, since the reformers have sought to reconcile basically conflicting ideals.说这是一种完全无秩序的状态根本不是在夸大其词,因为改革者们在寻求调和本质上相矛盾的理想。His early experiences turned him into a passionate social reformer.他早年的经历使他变成了一个狂热的社会改革者




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