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I must just mop up the last of the work.我必须这就完成收尾工作。He got to the end of the joke and couldn't remember the punch line.笑话讲到最后,他竟想不起那句收尾的妙语了。Their climactic confrontation brings the novel to a dramatic close.他们之间的冲突达到了顶点,小说以此戏剧化地收尾。The project is near completion. 这个项目已接近收尾。The government intends to wind the scheme down in the spring.政府有意在早春时节将这个计划逐渐收尾。The project is almost complete, but we still have a few loose ends to tie up.项目差不多完成了,但我们还剩下一些收尾工作。The writer ties up all the loose ends at the end of the story.在故事结尾处,作者对所有零星内容做了收尾。 |