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The gun has a sharp recoil.这支枪有很强的后坐力。Don't fart around with that gun.不要胡乱摆弄那支枪。That gun is aiming straight at me.那支枪的枪口正对着我。Does this gun shoot accurately?这支枪射击准不准?The gun was pointing directly at my head.那支枪直指着我的脑袋。It is a bullet from the same gun that killed the Italian.这颗子弹和杀死那个意大利人的那颗是从同一支枪中发射的。The gun was not licensed to him. 这支枪他无权使用。He insisted the gun hadn't been out of the house and therefore could not be the death weapon.他坚持说那支枪根本没出屋子,因此不可能是杀人凶器。If you keep fooling around that gun you'll be leaving this camp feet first.如果你还要瞎摆弄那支枪,就得横着离开这个营地了。The gun was found to be an imitation.那支枪被发现是仿制品。Don't fool with that gun.别乱动那支枪。I own a gun for self-defence.我有支枪用以防身。The prisoner has a gun, and what's more he's prepared to use it.犯人有枪,而且他是准备用这支枪的。Do you have a licence for that gun?那支枪你有持枪许可证吗?Don't fool around with that gun.别乱动那支枪。According to the report, Mason grabbed the gun from a friend.根据这篇报道,梅森是从一位朋友那里抢到这支枪的。The barrel of the gun was rock-steady, covering him as he moved.这支枪枪管十分稳固,在他移动时能打到他。 |