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词汇 播种
例句 Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.昨天对面的田里播种了玉米。Farmers will be able to seed it directly, rather than having to transplant seedlings.农民将能够直接播种,而不用移种秧苗。He began by scattering seed and putting in plants.他从播种和栽苗开始。Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully.播种之前,要仔细翻整好土壤。When the potatoes had been garnered up, the ground was plowed over for sowing.收藏了洋芋之后,翻土准备播种I've put in some markers where I planted the seeds.我在播种的地方放了些标志物。Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.人们割了大片草地的草,然后在上面播种If you plant your seedlings out too soon, a late frost might kill them off.如果你播种太早,晚霜可能会把它们冻死。The seeds must be planted in time for the rainy season.必须及时播种赶上雨季。He planted/sowed the seeds three inches apart.他每隔三英寸种植/播种The planting season is in spring, with harvest in the fall.春天是播种的季节,秋天是收获的季节。After planting the seeds, soak the soil.播种之后,用水将土壤浇透。Before planting the seeds, she turned the soil. 播种之前她先翻整了土地。Sow annuals where they are going to flower.把一年生植物播种在它们会开花的地方。We'll sow in the early spring.我们要在早春播种There's still time to sow broad beans for an early crop.还有时间播种早收的蚕豆。The fields have been seeded with corn.田里播种了玉米。It is so cold this year that the seed is still unsown.今年严寒,至今种子还未播种入土。They wait to plough and sow until after the frost is out of the ground.他们要等到地面的霜融化后才耕耘播种Winter wheat is planted in the autumn and harvested in early summer.冬麦是秋天播种初夏收割。Some people will take the seeds and hybridize the resulting plants with others of their own.一些人会将种子带回去播种,然后让长出的植物与本地植物杂交。We seeded the field with corn.我们在地里播种了玉米。Extensive flooding in the country has delayed planting and many crops are still under water.这个国家大面积的水灾已延误了播种,而很多农作物还浸在水下。It's time to sow the winter wheat.播种冬小麦了。Father raked the soil smooth for a seed-bed.父亲耙平土壤做播种床。Plant the seeds in early spring as soon as the ground thaws.早春时节地面一解冻就播种The corn was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.玉米的播种、收割、脱粒方法还和一百年前一样。He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds.他先翻土,然后播种Farmers were plowing their land and planting cotton seeds.农民们正在犁地并播种棉籽。The clover caught well at the first sowing.苜蓿第一次播种就长势很好。Make sure the soil is moist before planting the seeds.播种之前要确保土壤湿润。Early-sown crops tend to lodge less.播种早的庄稼不易倒伏。First, rake the soil, then plant the seeds.先把地耙平,然后播种They strewed seeds in the garden.他们在园子里播种Sow the seeds thinly outdoors in spring.春天在户外浅浅地播种




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