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词汇 撬开
例句 All the flats were boarded up, but we managed to prise a few boards open.所有的公寓都用木条封了起来,我们想办法撬开了几块木条。I pried the top off a can of chilli.我把辣椒罐的盖撬开了。Laura leaned forward to pry open the crate.劳拉俯下身子撬开了板条箱。I couldn't pry the secret out of her. 我无法撬开她的嘴巴问出秘密。Guy used a pry on the lock, and it gave way pretty easy.盖伊用一个撬杆撬锁,锁很容易就撬开了。He used a knife to pick the lock on the front door.他用一把小刀撬开了前门的锁。I picked up the coffee tin and, using a knife, prised the lid off.我拿起咖啡罐,用小刀把盖子撬开了。An intruder forced open a lock on French windows at the house.有人强行撬开落地窗上的锁闯入屋里。He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer.他熟练地撬开每一把锁,把每个抽屉里的文件都偷走了。We finally managed to pry the door open with a screwdriver.我们最后设法用螺丝刀把门撬开She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open.她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。She levered open the door with a crowbar.她用一根撬棍撬开了门。We need to take up the floor tiles and sponge up the water underneath.我们得把地砖撬开,把底下的水吸掉。I tried to prize the lid off the jar.我试图把罐子盖撬开The thief jimmied open the window.那小偷把窗撬开The thieves forced one of the windows open with a crowbar.窃贼用撬棍撬开了一扇窗户。He tried to prise the dog's mouth open.他试图撬开狗的嘴。They had to force the lock on the trunk.他们不得不撬开行李箱上的锁。An intruder forced open the lock.一个闯入者撬开了锁。I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials.我把其中一个刻度盘的金属边撬开了。They had to lever the door open.他们不得不把门撬开They pried open the door with a crowbar.他们用撬棍将门撬开了。I forced the lock on the cupboard to see what was inside.撬开壁橱的锁,看看里面有什么。He prized the box open with an iron bar.他用一根铁棒把那箱子撬开The burglars had forced open the window with an iron bar.窃贼用铁棍撬开了窗子。She prized the door open with the crowbar.她用撬棍把门撬开了。He pried the box open with a screwdriver.他用螺丝起子将箱子撬开He tried upon the lock, but each attempt proved abortive.他企图把锁撬开,但一次一次都失败了。He pried open a clam shell.撬开了一个蛤壳。They pried open a sticky can of blue paint.他们撬开了一个黏糊糊的蓝色油漆桶。The burglar used a jimmy to open the window.入室窃贼用撬棍撬开了窗户。He used a screwdriver to free the lock.他用螺丝刀撬开了锁。I tried to pry open the locket.我试图把盒式项链坠撬开He caught a youth breaking into a car.他发现一个年轻人撬开了一辆轿车。Neighbours eventually levered open the door with a crowbar.邻居们最终用一根铁撬把门撬开了。




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