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词汇 撞击
例句 The plane completely disintegrated on impact.撞击后飞机完全解体了。He got hit on the head and he's been a bit slow since.他的脑袋受过撞击,从那以后,他的反应变得有些迟钝。I heard the metallic click of a door handle.我听见了门把手转动时金属撞击的咔哒声。The next moment there was an almighty crash.接着发生了剧烈的撞击The key turned in the lock with a loud metallic click.钥匙在锁里转动发出金属撞击的叮当声。No one could have survived such an impact.没有人遭到这样的撞击还能活下来。The southern hemisphere is higher and has been heavily cratered by meteorite impacts.南半球的地势更高,由于陨石的撞击布满了大坑。She kneed him in the groin.她用膝盖撞击他的阴部。The missile impacted with the ground prematurely.导弹提前撞击了地面。We could feel the full impact of every bump.我们能感觉到每次撞击产生的全部冲击力。The company's child safety seats did not meet the standards for crash safety.该公司的儿童安全座椅未能符合撞击安全标准。The wind howled and the waves crashed against the rocks.风呼啸着,海浪撞击着岩石。Modern bullets produce an explosive effect upon impact.现代子弹在撞击时会产生爆炸效力。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。She suffered temporary loss of vision after being struck on the head.她头部受撞击以后遭受暂时性失明。When a large object impacts the Earth, it makes a crater.当一个巨大的物体撞击地球时,会形成凹坑。The captain of the boat was accused of ramming a patrol vessel.小船的船长被指控撞击一艘巡逻艇。I felt a little bump and I knew instantly what had happened.我感到轻微的撞击,立刻明白发生了什么事。She struck the cymbals together.她将两片铙钹互相撞击My heart beat a tattoo on my ribs.我的心卜通卜通地撞击着胸腔。The ship had been rammed by a submarine.那船被一艘潜水艇撞击Just after the impact there was a flash as the rocket exploded.随着一声撞击,一道火焰闪过,火箭爆炸了。The waves crashed against the rocks.海浪撞击着礁石。The car was destroyed in the collision.这辆汽车在撞击中损毁。There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass.当时一片寂静,只听见一只苍蝇不停地撞击着玻璃。He spun around, his heart thumping against his ribs.他猛地转过身来,心狂跳不止,撞击着双肋。I ploughed into him with all the strength I possessed.我用尽全身的力量向他撞击The warhead exploded on impact with the ground.弹头在撞击地面时爆炸了。The hit may provoke the nucleus to eject a particle.这一撞击可以导致原子核射出粒子。She struggled free and kneed her attacker in the groin.她挣脱开来,并用膝盖撞击那个袭击者的阴部。Scientists hypothesize that the dinosaurs were killed by a giant meteor.科学家假设恐龙灭绝的原因是一颗巨大的流星撞击了地球。The water curved round the rocks in great bursts of foam.水流撞击岩石,产生大量泡沫。The impact had dented the car's front bumper.撞击使汽车的前保险杠凹了下去。Electrons move around quickly, hitting and then rebounding off each other.电子高速移动,互相撞击反弹。There was a terrifying crash, and the house seemed to shake.随着一下恐怖的撞击,房子似乎在摇晃。I could hear the waves crash against the rocks.我能听见海浪撞击岩石的声音。The percussive shells explode immediately on impact.撞爆弹一经撞击立即爆炸。The impact was so sudden and so fierce, it knocked me out cold.撞击又突然又猛烈,把我击昏了。He hit the vehicle several times, causing quite a bit of damage.他多次撞击那辆车,造成了相当大的破坏。The heavy video camera knocked against his hip as he walked.他走路的时候,沉重的摄像机撞击着他的臀部。




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