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词汇 撞倒
例句 Jo was almost knocked down by a kid on a bicycle.乔差点被一个骑自行车的小孩撞倒A woman was knocked over by a bus last year.去年有个女人被一辆公共汽车撞倒了。Caught in these reflections, I almost bowled over a man ahead of me.我陷在沉思中,几乎把前面的一个人撞倒The nine-year-old boy was hit by a car and shattered his skull on the pavement.那个九岁男孩被汽车撞倒,头颅撞在人行道上碎裂了。The walls crashed down around them.墙在他们身边轰的一声被撞倒了。The dog rushed at Tommy and gave him such a rapturous welcome as nearly to fell him to the ground.狗冲向汤米,发疯似的欢迎他,险些儿把他撞倒在地。The only physical risk I ran was being bowled over by one of the many joggers.我冒的唯一身体受伤风险就是被众多慢跑者中的一个撞倒Some of the bigger boys purposely knock over the smaller ones.一些大孩子故意把小些的孩子撞倒在地。He was knocked down at a pedestrian crossing.他在人行横道上被撞倒了。She was mown down on a pedestrian crossing.她在人行横道上被撞倒了。He says she deliberately tried to run him down.他说她故意想要开车撞倒他。The car mounted the kerb and knocked over a pedestrian.那辆小轿车冲上人行道,撞倒了一名行人。The car mowed down four pedestrians.汽车撞倒了四名行人。I saw the man knocked down by a car.我看到那人被汽车撞倒Andy reeled away from the bar and knocked over his stool.安迪跌跌撞撞地离开酒吧柜台,撞倒了凳子。One boy crashed into him and knocked him over.一个男孩撞过来,把他撞倒在地上。Steady! You nearly knocked me over.小心点! 你差点儿把我撞倒了。It's a game in which you hop around trying to knock the other players over.这是一种单脚跳行试图撞倒其他人的游戏。I still feel bitterness and anger towards the person who knocked me down.我仍然对撞倒我的人愤恨不已。How can you run over a child and not stop?撞倒了孩子怎么可以不停车呢?He was brought down by the goalkeeper and awarded a penalty.他被守门员撞倒,获得一个罚点球的机会。Make sure the lights on your bike are working. I don't want you getting run over.要确保自行车上的灯可正常使用,我可不希望你被汽车撞倒As the crowd rushed towards the gate, several people got knocked over.人群涌向大门,有几个人被撞倒在地上。The mounted policemen rode down many unarmed demonstrators.骑警队策马撞倒许多手无寸铁的示威群众。A woman was knocked down at a pelican crossing.一位女士在自控人行横道上被撞倒了。In his excitement, he knocked over a lamp.他一时激动撞倒了灯。He was hit by a car that was being driven by joyriders.他被驾驶偷来的汽车兜风的人撞倒了。He burst through the revolving door and mowed down a couple of shoppers.他冲出旋转门,撞倒了几名顾客。Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.一个骑摩托车的笨蛋差点儿把我撞倒了。A car knocked him over.一辆车把他撞倒在地。She got knocked over by a taxi as she ran for the bus.她赶公共汽车时被一辆出租车撞倒了。The dog cut right across the road and was belted by a truck.狗窜过公路时被卡车撞倒A big dog came running round the corner, cannoned into him, and knocked him over.一只大狗由街角跑来,撞上他,把他撞倒了。She was almost bowled over by a huge dog.她差点儿被一只大狗撞倒He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down.他拼命地闪身躲开一辆试图撞倒他的疾驰的汽车。He was knocked down on a pedestrian crossing.他在人行横道上被撞倒Alex was knocked to the ground, but he quickly recovered.阿历克斯被撞倒在地上,但很快就恢复了过来。He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.他从她身边冲过去扑向吉利恩时,将其撞倒在地。The midfielder was upended before he got the ball.那名中场队员还没接到球就被撞倒了。He was struck down by a bus in the middle of the street.他在街中心被一辆公共汽车撞倒




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